Explore UAB

In an effort to prepare the next generation of investigators to conduct clinical and translational research, CCTS ensures its trainings are informed by the 13 core competencies established by the National Center for Advancing Clinical and Translational Science (NCATS).

Our aim is to provide learning opportunities across the career arc that develop and reinforce skills, attributes, and knowledge that can be shared across multidisciplinary teams of clinician-scientists. The goal? To accelerate scientific discoveries into health improvements for the populations we serve. 

Clinical & Translational Research Core Competencies

  1. Clinical & Translational Research Questions
  2. Literature Critique
  3. Study Design
  4. Research Implementation 
  5. Sources of Error
  6. Statistical Approaches
  7. Biomedical Informatics
  8. Clinical Research Interactions
  9. Scientific Communication
  10. Translational Teamwork
  11. Leadership
  12. Cross Disciplinary Training
  13. Community Engagement

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