There are numerous grant opportunities for training and mentored career development at all professional stages (undergraduate to established investigator). Browse below to find valuable information on F and K grants from the NIH, as well as other federal and foundation opportunities.
For assistance with writing a grant, or to submit a sample grant, contact the CCTS Research Commons (
Eligibility & Types of Grants Available
Graduate & Clinical Students | NIH Research Training & Career Development
Postdoctoral Training/Clinical Residency | NIH Research Training & Career Development
Early Career | NIH Research Training & Career Development
Established Investigator | NIH Research Training & Career Development
NIH Loan Repayment
Examples of Successful Applications
The CCTS has partnered with successfully funded investigators from across its partner network to develop this compendium of best practice grant writing samples. Our goal is to share the wisdom of their award-winning experiences in communicating about research in support of both scientific excellence and discovery. We encourage you to emulate these fine examples, but please remain mindful of the difference between imitation and plagiarism. For more information, see:
F31 Sample Applications | NIH NIAID
K01 Sample Applications and Summary Statements | NIH NIAID
K08 Sample Applications and Summary Statements | NIH NIAID
Loan Renewal | CCTS
Loan Repayment Program Renewal Application
NIH RePORT – F Awards | NIH
Don't see an example that fits your needs? Contact the CCTS and we'll be happy to help!
Specific Grant Components
Biosketch: NIH Biosketch Form, Instructions & Example | NIH
Specific Aims: Anatomy of a Specific Aims Page | BioScience Writers, Introduction to the Specific Aims Page | NIH NLM (PMC6133727)Research Strategy: Prepare Your Application | NIH NIAID
Training Plans
Suggestions for a Good Career Development Plan | NIH NINDS
Other Guidance
Data Sharing Plan Samples | NIH NIAID | NIH NIAID
Key Elements to Consider in Preparing a Data Sharing Plan | NIH OER
SF 424 (R&R) Forms Instructions | NIH
Revise and Resubmit Tips | NIH NIAID
PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form Walk-through (video, 6 min.)RCR Templates and Samples | Cornell
Rigor, Reproducibility & Transparency (R2T) | CCTS
Biologic Variables - R2T (video, 4 min.)
Rigor & Reproducibility | NIH
NIAID and NIH Sample Forms, Plans, Letters, Emails and More
New Resources for Implementing the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
CCTS Resources
NIH Grant F Series Samples
The Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual National Research Service Awards (NRSAs) are offered by the NIH to provide training opportunities for individuals at various stages of education and training, beginning at the baccalaureate level and through the postdoctoral phase.
The purpose of the F31 Predoctoral NRSA enables promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research. The proposed mentored research training is expected to clearly enhance the individual’s potential to develop into a productive, independent research scientist. The F31 is also used to enhance workforce diversity though a separate program.
The purpose of the F32 Postdoctoral NRSA is to enhance the research training of promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers.
For assistance with an F grant, or to submit a sample F, contact the CCTS Research Commons ( Examples
The NIAID provides examples of well-written, top-scoring F-31 Diversity applications that you can view on their website. The following investigators listed below enable NIAID to deliver an invaluable resource to the research community.
Adjoa R. Smalls-Mantey of Columbia University Health Sciences
"Characterization of Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity in HIV Infection"
Juan Calix of University of Alabama at Birmingham
"The role of wcjE disruption in pneumococcal serotype 11A humoral escape"To learn more about the F series, visit the NIH Individual NRSA Fellowships page.
NIH Grant K Series Samples
The NIH supports Research Training and Career Development programs to help prepare individuals for careers in biomedical, behavioral, social, and clinical research. This page offers samples of several K mechanisms from mentored awards for new investigators to awards intended for mid-career, non-mentored individuals.
Check out this useful video, Writing An Effective "K" Application: A Video Guide.
To learn more about the K series, visit the NIH Research Career Development Award page.
For assistance with a K grant, or to submit a sample K, contact the CCTS Research Commons ( -
Other Federal
National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Science Foundation (NSF):
Eligibility & types of grants available:
NSF Grant Eligibility | Grants.Gov
Special Programs for Graduate Students
NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Examples of Successful Applications
The CCTS has partnered with successfully funded investigators from across its partner network to develop this compendium of best practice grant writing samples. Our goal is to share the wisdom of their award-winning experiences in communicating about research in support of both scientific excellence and discovery. We encourage you to emulate these fine examples, but please remain mindful of the difference between imitation and plagiarism. For more information, see Ethics for Authors.
NSF | Yan | CCTS
Specific Grant Components – Examples & Tips:
NSF-Approved Formats for the Biographical Sketch:
Proposal & Award Policies & procedures Guide | NSF
Introduction to Transformative Research | NSF
Prepare & Submit ProposalsPrepare & Submit Proposals
Training in Responsible Conduct of Research | NSF
Additional Guidance and Instructions
Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide | NSF
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Grants for Health Services Research Dissertation Program (R36): AHRQ provides support to individuals for dissertation research in health services research as part of completing a research doctorate degree.
AHRQ National Research Service Award (NFSA) Program (F32):) AHRQ provides support for predoctoral and postdoctoral research education of scholars through the National Research Service Award (NRSA) grant program. These grants are administered through institutional and individual funding mechanisms.
Career Development (K) Awards:: AHRQ sponsors several career development awards intended to foster the career development of promising new investigators in the field of health services research. These programs provide salary and research support for a sustained period of time for early career clinicians and research scientists.
AHRQ Notice of Funding Opportunities
Examples of Successful Applications:
Sample Conference Grant Applications:
Specific Grant components – Examples & Tips:
Forms and Electronic Applications:
Additional Guidance and Instructions:
Grant application basics:
Tips for grant applicants:
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Eligibility & types of grant available: it Fast:
About PCORI research:
About PCORI Programs:
Health Conditions and Related Topics PCORI Funded Projects Address:
Examples of Successful Applications:
Funding Opportunities:
Funding application guidelines:
CCTS Resources
Non-Federal Grant Programs
Eligibility & Types of Grants Available
There are a large number of nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses that also provide grants or other types of funding assistance.
American Heart Association (AHA)
Examples of Successful Applications
The CCTS has partnered with successfully funded investigators from across its partner network to develop this compendium of best practice grant writing samples. Our goal is to share the wisdom of their award-winning experiences in communicating about research in support of both scientific excellence and discovery. We encourage you to emulate these fine examples, but please remain mindful of the difference between imitation and plagiarism. For more information, see:
American Heart Association (AHA) | CCTS
Don't see an example that fits your needs? Contact the CCTS and we'll be happy to help!
Specific Grant Components
Biosketch: NIH Biosketch Form, Instructions & Example | NIH
Specific Aims: Anatomy of a Specific Aims Page | BioScience Writers, Introduction to the Specific Aims Page | NIH NLM (PMC6133727)
Research Strategy: Prepare Your Application | NIH NIAID
Additional Guidance and Instructions
Beyond government grants: Widening your funding net | Science Magazine
CCTS Resources