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A young woman with long brown hair is wearing a VR headset and is holding out a VR handset. The Active Video Game and Virtual Reality (AVG/VR) Lab was designed to advance scientific knowledge related to achieving accessible exergaming programs to improve health and increase physical activity and exercise in people with disabilities. It houses a state-of-the-art adapted gaming space with the latest innovations in virtual reality and provides single- and multi-player adaptive active video gaming opportunities for youth and adults with disabilities. Additionally, the AVG/VR Lab aims to facilitate the implementation and evaluation of in-person and remote gaming interventions.

The director, Dr. Byron Lai, has an extensive background in providing adapted therapeutic exercise services for people with disabilities, as well as experience with amateur and professional level gaming and e-sports tournaments. Dr. Lai and his team offer consultations for designing and implementing in-person, online, and remote adaptive gaming interventions for research protocols, health, fitness, and exercise programs, and related grant proposals with the goals of improving the lives and increasing the physical activity of people with disabilities.


Expert training and consultations for navigating, designing, and implementing adaptive gaming interventions that are tailored to the preferences and functional abilities of people with disabilities are available. Rental of the lab and its state-of-the-art gaming gear, which is described below, is also available. We are open to all UAB investigators as well as other investigators in the research community. Please contact us for more information and pricing.


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