Explore UAB

A woman in a wheelchair does arm exercises wearing wrist weights, watching a video on a tablet on the table in front of her. The Rehabilitation Engineering and Behavioral/Health Promotion Technology (REBHPT) core was designed to offer behavior and rehabilitation technology development, intervention, and evaluation services. The purpose of the core is to develop and utilize telehealth technology to enable successful interventions in an at-home or in-community context and promote behavior adherence through multiple channels. This core houses state-of-the-art telehealth and tele-exercise rooms to accommodate all telehealth-related needs. Additionally, it provides development and testing of rehabilitation engineering technology.


The director, Dr. Mohan Thirumalai, and his team offer consultation services for investigators needing expert advice in the development and implementation of telehealth services, platforms, and technologies to encourage participant behavior adherence specific to the needs of your research study or program. Dr. Thirumalai and his team can assist in determining if the telehealth device, platform, or technology you require is as simple as an automated phone call or text message or as complex as a dashboard for health coaches and how to best integrate the telehealth technology with a sensor or hardware device. We are open to all UAB investigators as well as other investigators in the research community. Please contact us for more information and pricing.

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