Explore UAB

NCFDD logoThe University of Alabama at Birmingham is a member of the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) as an Institutional Member. The NCFDD is a nationally recognized community of over 450 colleges and universities that provide online career development and mentoring resources for faculty at all levels.

The Faculty Success Program is a 12-week Bootcamp where you will learn to: 

  • Understand how to manage time challenges scholars face in balancing research, teaching, and service with home life
  • Avoid the most common time management mistakes
  • Develop a consistent writing routine to increase research productivity
  • Learn why and how to align work time with institutional priorities, personal values, and long-term goals
  • Develop a network of support and accountability for academic writing
  • Engage a local network of mentors for long-term success  


  • NCFDD Member Resources

    NCFDD resources are broadly applicable across academic disciplines and include a range of topics such as increasing productivity, time management, overcoming academic perfectionism, and writing grant proposals. These resources offer concrete guidance that may improve your productivity and your sense of well-being.

  • How to Activate Your UAB Sponsored Membership
    1. Go to the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity website.
    2. Select the “Become a Member” tab and choose “Claim Your Institutional Membership.”
    3. From the drop-down menu choose "The University of Alabama at Birmingham."
    4. Follow instructions to complete the registration form using your UAB email address (your blazerid @ UAB.edu ).
    5. Once you have submitted your registration information and NCFDD has approved your connection to UAB, you should receive a welcome email.


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