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Flower in the Desert

Dr. Katie MartinDr. Katie Martin (Perio ’19), knew for a long time that she wanted to be a periodontist. What the Arizona native wasn’t certain about was where to pursue her periodontic training. Even before attending and graduating the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health she was drawn to periodontics. She had shadowed several specialists, including her godfather, and found herself deeply interested in the field. According to Martin, each time she shadowed his office, her desire to specialize became stronger. So, it wasn’t a matter of pursuing the specialty, but where.

After graduating from dental school, Martin looked at various perio programs. She visited UAB, knowing the residency program was world renowned. “From my first externship and interview at UAB, I felt certain it was where I belonged,” said Martin. “The warm, friendly people along with the delicious southern cuisine and exceptional training, made the decision to move across the country an easy one. The faculty are outstanding. They generally care(d) about our success and are dedicated to helping us become the best periodontists we could be.”

Like the residents in her class, and those before and after her, they have all had rigorous training. The UAB School of Dentistry faculty has historically been viewed as among the best in the world. In fact, two faculty members and department chairs, went on to become UAB School of Dentistry deans in Dr. Michael Reddy and most recently Dr. Nico Geurs. “I had the privilege of training under Dr. Reddy and Dr. Geurs. Both are renowned for their innovative approaches in periodontics, encouraging residents to think creatively and apply foundational knowledge in unique ways,” she said. According to Martin, their teaching styles enhanced her and other residents’ abilities to develop comprehensive and critical thinking skills. She said both Reddy and Geurs were not only engaging lecturers, but they were also her mentors.

Martin admits that moving from Arizona to Alabama wasn’t easy, but the environment at UAB, and the relationships she forged with her fellow residents made the transition much smoother than expected. “One memorable moment at UAB that really stands out for me occurred during a complex case in my second year. We were treating a patient with severe periodontal disease which required extensive treatment. The case was challenging, involving multiple disciplines and a lot of coordination with other departments. The moment that stands out was when we finally saw the results our efforts, seeing patient’s health and confidence restored was incredibly rewarding. It was a clear reminder of why I chose this field and the impact we can have on people’s lives. This experience also highlighted the collaborative spirit at UAB and the support I received from my mentors, which made it even more special”, she said.

After she completed her residency in 2019, Martin returned to her home state of Arizona with her family. She now works full-time in a practice with two locations near Phoenix. She also teaches part-time in the Advanced Education General Dentistry program at A.T. Still University. Martin also serves as on the Arizona Dental Board Investigative Committee and volunteers for numerous nonprofits. “I co-organize the Arizona Oral Cancer Walk with another incredible female dentist, and actively support the National Kidney Foundation of Arizona in raising funds for children with kidney disease…These roles both fulfilling and impactful, allowing me to make a significant difference within and beyond the dental community.”

With an unbelievable schedule that includes treating patients at two practices, teaching at the local dental school, and volunteering for various charities, Martin still finds time to pursue her hobbies. She loves taking in Arizona’s beauty through hiking and backpacking. Arizona is often the subject of “dry heat” quotes and jokes, but she persues other interests like scuba diving in tropical locations. She also enjoys ballroom dancing. While she doesn’t get back to Alabama often, she stays in touch with her UAB colleagues and mentors. As a donor to the recently established Michael Reddy – Nico Geurs Endowed Professorship in Periodontology, Katie Martin continues to lead by example.