Optimizing Oral Health Through Research and Discovery
UAB School of Dentistry consistently ranks among the top NIH-funded U.S. dental schools. Centered on five core themes, our transformative dental research combines academic excellence with scientific methodology to discover answers to cutting-edge questions. Our preeminent faculty teach and mentor students, preparing them to make new discoveries while advancing science to benefit oral health locally and globally. Building upon our rich history of innovation, we are forging the future of oral health.

Craniofacial Development & Genetics

Biomaterial Science & Biomimetic

Oral Microbiology, Infection, & Host Response

Oral Cancer & Bone Marrow Microenvironment

Clinical Outcomes & Implementation Science
Learn About Our Research Themes
World Class Oral Health Research Opportunities

Institute for Oral Health Research (IOHR)
A cornerstone of our research enterprise, the Institute Oral Health Research serves as a one stop resource to bolster the work of our investigators as they advance dental, oral, and craniofacial research.

Global Center for Craniofacial, Oral and Dental Disorders
A University Wide Interdisciplinary Research Center, the Global Center for Craniofacial, Oral & Dental Disorders supports campus investigators involved in dental, oral and craniofacial research across multiple disciplines.

National Dental PBRN
Founded at UAB, the National Dental Practice Based Research Network is a groundbreaking consortium of participating dental practices and organizations that are revolutionizing practice-based research.

Our more than 10 labs span basic and translational research, contributing to the understanding and advancement of oral and craniofacial health and its connection to overall health.
Exceptional Experiences For Undergraduates, Graduates, & Dental Students
- D.A.R.T.
- D.M.D/Ph.D.
- MS In Dentistry
- Scholars Symposium
- Student Research Group
- Summer Research Partnerships

Dental Academic Research Training (DART)
Our Dental Academic Research Training program is one of the few DART programs with a foreign-trained dentist track. With all four DART tracks, we have a record of developing academicians and leaders in the field.
Find a Collaborator Research by Department
By The Numbers

33 Grants
Federal: 10 grants; $34,000,000 in total funding
Non-Federal: 23 total; $522,939 in total funding

5.2 million
in NIH funding 2022

DMD Student Research participation
UAB Research Resources
Latest Research News
Contact Us
Amjad Javed, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Research
SDB 714
(205) 996-5124
Kelsey Hoggatt
Business Officer II
SDB 715
(205) 996-7998
Chris Washington
Program Coordinator II
SDB 704