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Nancy Parsons, administrative project specialist in the Department of Clinical & Community Sciences, is 1 of 3 chosen as the second-quarter 2024 honorees for the UAB Shared Values in Action Program.

Nancy ParsonsThe UAB VIP Award recognizes employees whose work has exemplified and embodied one or more of  the UAB Shared Values – collaborate, act with integrity, respect all, and excel. Honorees are nominated by their colleagues and selected by a committee of individuals from across the campus and UAB Hospital. The award is considered one of the highest honors reserved for staff at UAB.

Known for her excellence and collaboration, Parsons supports the work of Gregg Gilbert, D.D.S., M.B.A., who serves as department chair and nationwide director of the National Dental Practice Based Research Network – a prestigious UAB grant-based effort.

Gilbert calls her the ‘nexus of contact and interaction’ for a broad range of financial, personnel, budgetary and general administrative matters.

“In her numerous job duties, she has consistently maintained commitment and diligence,” he says. “There have been many times that the workload was overwhelming, so she not only had to find a way to work harder, but also smarter. Her success in all of that has been a major reason that our department functions at a top level.”

Despite her incredibly busy workload, colleagues say Parsons excels at what she does and is quick to step up for the greater good to help others in her department and throughout the school.

Joana Cunha-Cruz, D.D.S., Ph.D., says, “Nancy consistently strives for excellence. She takes initiative to identify opportunities for improvement and implements solutions that enhance departmental operations.”

“Of all the UAB shared values, I believe Ms. Parsons most exemplifies the quality of collaboration. This is easy to visualize in her activities within our department as she strives to coordinate and manage a diverse and sometimes fluid group of faculty, staff, and students. She is unflappable in her ability to put groups together and get tasks accomplished,” says Michael McCracken, D.D.S., Ph.D.

Twanda Walker, the department’s business officer, continues, “She has often gone above and beyond to make her colleagues’ jobs easier, and it is well appreciated by many. She has always been a person who is willing to step in and help with whatever needs to be done.”

Among her many contributions, Lynne Jarreau, the school’s director of communications, says Parsons perhaps shined brightest while leading the School of Dentistry Staff Council.

“I had the opportunity to partner with Nancy in planning and implementing innovative initiatives to engage and support all SOD staff. A fantastic staff spokesperson and avid staff advocate, she championed input and engagement from all. And she was great at harnessing the power of committee work to accomplish team goals.”

Thanking her department chair and colleagues for their support, Parsons shares, “I have always appreciated the sense of teamwork that exists at UAB, not only in the School of Dentistry, but campus-wide, as well.  I have been encouraged to grow within my position and department – and to not be afraid to ask questions. That level of support has made me want to learn more and strive to be a helpful team member.”