If it seems like students at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry have a bit more energy these days, there is a reason for that. The American Student Dental Association (ASDA) designated September as Wellness Month, reminding these fledgling dentists to make sure they take time to heal thyself.
Maggie Braun and Maggie Mitchell at ASDA's Wellness Week Trivia NightThe UAB SOD kicked off the month with a special Wellness Week filled with activities, events and giveaways. The goal was to provide information about the importance of personal wellness, while also bringing students together for fun and comradery.
“Dental students have to stay on top of classes and clinic while also setting aside time to study. In the midst of all that, it’s sometimes hard to take time for yourself,” says Maggie Mitchell, who is serving as Wellness Chair for the Alabama Chapter of the ASDA. “It’s important to prioritize wellness in all our schedules, because without a balance, we’ll burn out.”
“There are five pillars to wellness: emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual and environmental. We wanted to set up events and giveaways that put an emphasis on those five pillars, and help remind students to take a little time out of their day to prioritize their wellbeing.”
Mitchell and her six-person committee put together a week filled with activities. These included:
- A cookbook launch. Students were asked to submit recipes during August for the creation of a healthy-eating cookbook, and four of the students received a $25 gift card to local restaurants. “When you’re very busy, mealtime can sometimes turn into a stressor that’s not enjoyable,” Mitchell says. “So we wanted to launch a cookbook to share some easy recipes that take the hassle out of cooking.”
- A lunch-and-learn session with SOD assistant professor Snigdha Gummadi, B.D.S, M.S., who gave a lecture about the importance of correct posture in dentistry, and how it can provide long-term career benefits.
- A Trivia Night gathering at Cahaba Brewing, with the winners receiving a Wellness Passport that contained giveaways and discounts to various wellness businesses (fitness gyms, massage therapists, etc.) throughout Birmingham.
- A virtual 5K that had 70 participants, with one student receiving a free pair of sneakers.
- An offering of free snow cones during lunch one day. Because who doesn’t like a snow cone?
Dental students attending ASDA's Wellness Week snow cone event.“It was a refreshing way for people to take a break and do something fun,” Mitchell says. “We wanted to showcase that wellness can be something you do in a small way. It’s not about being the strongest or fastest person. It can be something as small as making a quick nutritious meal or taking a walk. Just small changes you can add to your schedule that are achievable for everyone.”
“Dental students spend so much time taking care of other people. This was a reminder that you should take time to do something for yourself every day. Because if we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we take care of our patients and do good work?”