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Ann Marie Karaki

Continuing Education Director
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University Events Specialist
SBD 215
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Hussein S Basma, DDS, MS
Assistant Professor
Department of Periodontology

The Department of Periodontology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham offers a specialized educational program called the Periodontology Preceptorship Program. This initiative caters to dentists seeking additional didactic and research-based exposure in the field of periodontology and implantology. The primary aim is to enhance their applications for Advanced Periodontology and Implantology Educational Programs in the United States. The program can be undertaken for either a duration of 6 or 12 months, with tuition fees adjusted accordingly. Participants will have the opportunity to attend didactic courses, seminars, and hands-on laboratory sessions. Moreover, they will be able to observe various clinical procedures within the Graduate Periodontology Clinic.

While participants will not be allowed to engage in clinical dentistry tasks associated with patient care, as per the guidelines set by the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama, they will complete training in HIPAA, CPR, and Blood-borne Pathogen training and will participate in preclinical and digital exercises designed to enhance clinical skills.

It is important to note that completion of this program does not guarantee acceptance into Advanced Periodontology Programs. Nevertheless, successful participants will be awarded a certificate upon finishing the program and will receive a commendation letter from the program chair, acknowledging their performance and contributions during the program. The Periodontology Preceptorship Program aims to provide a comprehensive learning experience, empowering participants to expand their knowledge and expertise in the domain of periodontology and implantology, thereby advancing their pursuit of excellence in this field.

A Periodontology Preceptorship Program that spans one year and incorporates both clinical and research activities can be a valuable experience for students to enhance their dental knowledge and skills. Below is a comprehensive curriculum outline for such a program:

  • Clinical Component

    Clinical Component

    i-Orientation and Introduction

    During the orientation period, students will be introduced to the specific goals and objectives of the preceptorship program. The curriculum will be discussed in detail, and students should understand the expectations and responsibilities.

    ii-Clinical Training and Patient Care

    While this program does not involve direct involvement in clinical care, participants will have the unique opportunity to observe and learn from clinical activities related to periodontal treatments, implant therapy, and digital dentistry. They will gain insights into the prevention, diagnosis, and management of periodontal diseases, as well as the intricate procedures involved in implant placement and restoration.

    Additionally, fellows will have the chance to interact with experienced faculty and residents, fostering discussions on advancements in digital dentistry and its applications in modern periodontal practices. This exposure to cutting-edge techniques and interdisciplinary collaboration will undoubtedly enhance their understanding and preparation for future endeavors in periodontology, implantology, and the digital aspects of dentistry. During the program, participants will also have the opportunity to actively assist in various clinical activities, including surgical procedures. This hands-on experience will provide them with valuable insights into surgical techniques and patient management, further enhancing their clinical skills and competence.

    Moreover, ethical considerations in patient care, such as informed consent, will be emphasized throughout the program to ensure that participants understand the importance of ethical conduct and patient confidentiality in their future practice. Overall, this comprehensive educational experience will equip participants with a strong foundation in periodontal treatments, implant therapy, and digital dentistry, enabling them to excel in their careers and provide optimal care to their patients.

    iii-Case Presentations

    Participants will actively engage in evidence-based discussions and treatment planning by attending case presentations conducted by residents. These case presentations offer a platform for students to discuss and analyze the treatments provided to patients. Such interactive sessions foster critical thinking and enable students to gain valuable insights from experienced faculty and peers. By participating in these discussions, participants can refine their clinical decision-making skills and develop a deeper understanding of evidence-based approaches in periodontal and implant therapy.

    iv-Interdisciplinary Experience

    Participants in this program will have the opportunity to attend classes from other departments, including endodontics, orthodontics, prosthodontics, and more. This cross-disciplinary exposure will broaden their understanding of various dental specialties and foster collaborative learning with professionals from different healthcare fields.

    Moreover, participants will actively engage in treatment plan discussions during interdisciplinary case discussions. These sessions will provide a platform for them to collaborate with experts from various specialties, enabling a comprehensive approach to patient care. Such interactive discussions will enhance their critical thinking skills and prepare them to address complex dental cases effectively.

    Organizing interdisciplinary workshops and discussions is a valuable aspect of this program, as it facilitates knowledge exchange and encourages participants to appreciate the significance of a multidisciplinary approach in dentistry. This exposure to diverse perspectives and expertise will undoubtedly enrich their learning experience and contribute to their growth as skilled and well-rounded dental

  • Research Component

    Research Component

    This Program provides a thorough introduction to research methodology, study design, and data collection techniques. Students should be familiarized with appropriate research databases and resources for literature review. In this program, students will receive extensive support in developing a robust research proposal. They will be guided through formulating research questions, defining objectives, and selecting appropriate research methods to ensure the effectiveness of their studies. Moreover, participants will gain hands-on experience in data collection, either through working on research projects or assisting faculty with ongoing studies.

    As a crucial aspect of their research journey, students will regularly participate in research presentations, refining their scientific communication skills. These presentations will serve as platforms for constructive feedback and open discussions, further enhancing the quality and impact of their research work. Furthermore, participants will receive vital guidance in scientific writing and manuscript preparation, including proper citation practices, adherence to journal guidelines, and effectively addressing reviewer feedback. These invaluable skills will prepare students to publish their research findings successfully and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

  • Assessment and Evaluation

    Assessment and Evaluation

    Regular assessments of clinical skills and patient interactions can be carried out by faculty and clinical supervisors. Feedback should be constructive, helping students identify areas for improvement. Students should have regular meetings with their research mentors to track progress, troubleshoot challenges, and set milestones for their research projects.

    The program should culminate in a final presentation where students showcase their clinical and research experiences. Faculty evaluations and peer feedback can provide a comprehensive assessment of the student's growth throughout the preceptorship.

More Details

  • Opportunities

    While this program does not allow performing any clinical care, participants will have the opportunity to observe clinical activities. In addition, they will have the opportunity to interact with faculty and residents and discuss common interests in education and research.
    Participants are encouraged to attend other research seminars in the School of Dentistry. Individuals interested in participating in ongoing research projects must contact the faculty mentor prior to arriving to discuss his/her interests.
    Participants may also be interested in attending other continuing education courses offered through the School of Dentistry. Participation is encouraged but the individual is responsible for the additional fees to attend these courses. Attendance and presentations at any regional, national, or international conferences is encouraged, but the individual will be responsible for all costs associated with such meetings (membership, registration, travel, etc.).

  • Common Procedures

    The UAB Advanced Education in Prosthodontics Program aims to educate the participants in prevention, diagnosis and treatment planning, procedures related to fixed and removable prosthodontics, and digital dentistry, and related diseases and conditions in a patient-centered environment. Specifically, participants will be exposed to advances in the areas of digital dentistry, implant dentistry, fixed and removable prosthodontics, as well as treatment planning. They will also be exposed to and participate in contemporary prosthodontics research and learn about new technologies that enhance and facilitate the practice of prosthodontics.

  • Specific Program Offerings

    Participants will attend the following advanced courses with Prosthodontic residents:

    · Fundamentals of Prosthodontics: Foundational course

    · Prosthodontic Literature Review: Review, analysis, and critique of current literature relevant to Prosthodontics

    · Hands-on preclinical exercises for advanced prosthodontics treatments using digital and conventional workflows including, fixed prosthodontics, implant dentistry, removable prosthesis, and veneers

    · Patient Presentation and Treatment Planning in Prosthodontics: Patient presentation and discussion by Prosthodontics residents

    ·Research in Prosthodontics and Dental Materials: Various seminars, presentation of research data and data analysis of research findings.

  • Duration and Tuition

    The start and end dates will be by arrangement between the candidate and the chair. The tuition fee is $15,000 for six months or $25,000 for one year. A 10% deposit is required upon acceptance.

    Registration, matriculation, and payments will be through the Continuing Education Office at UAB. Tuition fees are non-refundable, even if the candidate does not continue for the pre-approved duration.

Program Director

Hussein S Basma, DDS, MS

Hussein S Basma, DDS, MS

Dr. Hussein Basma received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from Damascus University in 2009. Dr. Basma completed a residency in Prosthodontics at Lebanese University and received a Certificate in Periodontology and Master of Science from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Dr. Basma is a Diplomate in the American Board of Periodontology, lectures nationally and internationally about periodontology and dental implants and is a dental social media influencer. Dr. Basma is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Periodontology at UAB. His research and teaching efforts focus on bone augmentation, full-arch rehabilitation, multidisciplinary care, and integration of technology. Dr Basma is currently an active member of The American Academy of Periodontology, Academy of Osteointegration and The International Team for Implantology.

Faculty Profile

Contact Us

Ann Marie Karaki

Continuing Education Director
SDB 217
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(205) 934-3753

Rachel Steadham

University Events Specialist
SBD 215
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(205) 934-3753