Specific courses may have their class lecture live streamed to the Canvas course Media Gallery. Follow the instructions below to access the Live Stream of your course lecture.
Note for users of screen readers: letters in parentheses in the instructions refer to corresponding areas on example images. If you have any questions about these instructions, contact eLearning for assistance.
Step 1 - Access Canvas Course Media Gallery
- Navigate to Canvas and click Courses (A) on the Global Menu Navigation, then click the name of the desired Canvas Course.
- Click Media Gallery (B) in the Course Navigation.
Step 2 – Select the Live Stream
- From the course Media Gallery, click the video thumbnail that has the Live Stream icon (C) and displays the course name.
- Filter (D) to find Live entries more easily.
Step 3 – Watch Live Stream
A “Currently Not Broadcasting” (E) message will display until the scheduled start time of your class. Additionally, an “Off Air” (F) message displays at the bottom of the player.
Once the live stream has begun the “Off Air” message will change to say “Live” (G) beside a red dot.
- Click the Play icon (H) to begin watching the live stream.
Step 4 – Review Recording
- After the recording has been processed, another thumbnail (I) with the name of the course will display in the course Media Gallery.
Once the course live stream is over, the “Off Air” message will display again.
By default, owners of a video are the only ones who can download the video. Owners can allow others to download their video two different ways depending on how they are sharing their video. See the instructions below on how to download your own video and how to allow others to download.
Note for users of screen readers: letters in parentheses in the instructions below refer to corresponding areas on example images. If you have any questions about these instructions, contact eLearning for assistance.
Download My Video
The owner of a video in Kaltura can download a video by using the following directions:
- Access My Media in Canvas or at mediaspace.uab.edu. (learn how to access My Media)
- Click the Pencil (A) icon to the right of the desired video.Note: If you do not see this icon, you are not on the edit screen or you are not the owner of the video.
- Click the download (B) icon at the bottom right of the video player.
Note: If this video has two feeds (content and camera), only the parent feed will download (usually content).
Allow Others to Download
Viewers cannot download your videos by default, but you can allow them to download in one of two methods depending on how you have shared your video.
Canvas Embed
If you are embedding your video into a Canvas page, discussion, assignment etc. you can choose to embed the video in a player that includes the download icon.
- Follow the instructions to embed a Kaltura video.
- When choosing the video to embed, click the Settings Gear (A).
- Click the drop down for Choose Player (B) and select one of the players with a download option then select the Embed (C) button at the top right
- This will embed the video with a download icon at the bottom right of the screen.
Media Gallery or Channel
If you have published your video to a Media Gallery or Media Space Channel, follow these directions.
- Locate the desired video in My Media. (learn how to locate video)
- Click the pencil edit icon at the far right of that entry.
- Click the Download (B) tab underneath the video player.
- Check the box to Allow Downloading (C) then click Save (D).
- This allows any viewers to see the option to download the video when viewing the video in the Course Media Gallery or Kaltura Channel as shown below.
Kaltura allows videos to be trimmed using Kaltura editing tools inside of Canvas or at mediaspace.uab.edu. Follow the instructions below.
- Only the owner or co-editor can modify the video.
- Any edits made will cause the video to be reprocessed and may take at least an hour to process.
- The Kaltura web editor is limited in function and is only recommended for basic edits such as trimming off the beginning and/or end of a video.
- YouTube videos cannot be trimmed or edited in the Kaltura editor to protect content copyright.
- Navigate to My Media in Canvas or at mediaspace.uab.edu. (See how here)
- Locate the desired video and click the pencil Edit (A) icon located to the right of the video.
- Click the Lauch Editor (B) button to the right of the video.
- The video editor will launch and a timeline will appear at the bottom of the video.
- Navigate to the desired area on the timeline you would like to be the start and/or endpoint of the video.
- Drag the Left Yellow Handlebar (C) to trim the beginning of the video. Trimming the video to the desired start time will show an area that will be removed (D) from the video. The left yellow handlebar indicates the start of the video.
- Drag the Right Yellow Handlebar (E) to trim the end of the video. Trimming the video to the desired end time will show an area that is removed (F) from the video. The right yellow handlebar indicates the end of the video.
- When done editing, click the desired save option:
- The Save (F) button saves the new video and overwrites the orginal.
- The Save a Copy (G) button creates a new copy of the edited video and while retaining the original.
Video owners can allow individuals to view their videos without publishing the video to an entire course, gallery, or channel. Follow the steps below to allow an specific users to view your video.
Note for users of screen readers: letters in parentheses in the instructions below refer to corresponding areas on example images. If you have any questions about these instructions, contact eLearning for assistance.
- Access My Media in Canvas or at mediaspace.uab.edu. (Learn how to access My Media.)
- Locate and click the title of the desired video.
- Click Actions (A) under the video and select Edit (B).
Tip: The Edit screen can be accessed quicker by clicking the pencil icon on the far right of a video listed in My Media. - Once on the edit screen for the desired media, select the Collaboration (C) tab under the video and click +Add Collaborator (D).
- Enter the user's UAB BlazerID and select the user from the drop down arrow (E). Note: Multiple users can be added here.
- Select the box beside Co-Viewer (F) and click Add (G) to add collaborators to Kaltura video.
How do these individuals watch the video?
This video will appear in the user’s My Media folder just like the owner which can be accessed in Canvas or Mediaspace.uab.edu. The only difference is that this user can only watch the video. They cannot edit or share it with others.
Users can add collaborators to videos/audio stored in Kaltura and choose specific permissions to allow editing and/or publishing.
Note for users of screen readers: letters in parentheses in the instructions below refer to corresponding areas on example images. If you have any questions about these instructions, contact eLearning for assistance.
- Access My Media in Canvas or at mediaspace.uab.edu. (Learn how to access My Media.)
- Locate and click the title of the desired video.
- Click Actions (A) under the video and select Edit (B).
Tip: The Edit screen can be accessed quicker by clicking the pencil icon on the far right of a video listed in My Media. - Once on the edit screen for the desired media, select the Collaboration (C) tab under the video and click +Add Collaborator (D).
- Enters the users UAB email address or select the user from the drop down arrow (E).
- Select the desired Permission(s) (F) for the selected collaborators.
- Click Add (G) to add collaborators to Kaltura video.
- Co-Editor: can edit the entry’s details and metadata, trim media, replace media, edit captions edit chapters and edit slides. Co-editors cannot delete media or add new co-editors and co-publishers. Co-editors can also see the analytics page for media they co-edit.
- Co-Publishers: can publish media to their entitled course Media Galleries, categories or channels.
- Co-Viewers: only able to view media. Co-viewers do not have editing permissions, nor are they allowed to view unlisted entries, unless they are also co-publishers or co-editors of that entry.