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TB Screening

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National TB Controllers Association recently released updated recommendations for TB Screening, Testing and Treatment of Health Care Personnel.

In response, UAB Campus and UAB Medicine have updated its policy. UAB will no longer require routine annual TB skin testing for most existing employees, effective immediately.

TB screenings will continue to be provided for:

  • Employees with a known TB exposure
  • New employees, students, observers and volunteers, upon starting their job or assignment, as part of the standard pre-employment health screenings
  • Any employee who requests a TB skin test (note: a cost could be associated with this TB Skin Test)
  • Employees who transfer from a non-patient care area to a building or area where patient care is provided
  • Employees who are in a research area or lab that requires an annual TB Skin Test
  • Some visiting Scholars

Employees who have been diagnosed with a prior TB infection or an untreated latent TB infection will continue to complete an Annual TB Screening Form.

The TB rate in the community is very low, making UAB Medicine a low-risk environment for employees, patients and visitors. Should this ever change, the policy will be re-evaluated. If you have questions or would like a TB screen at any time for any reason, email employeehealth@uabmc.edu.