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Abstract image of industrial air ducts in a large warehouse.


Capstone projects are generally designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, and develop skills such as oral communication, public speaking, research skills, media literacy, teamwork, planning, self-sufficiency, or goal setting—i.e., skills that will help prepare them to apply what they have learned to an operational or real-world setting.

The main objective of a capstone course is to enable the students to synthesize the knowledge gained as a result of pursuing the ASEM degree program. The capstone project provides a platform for students to demonstrate that they can integrate the skills and concepts learned during the ASEM program and to show that they have mastery of that material. In this way the entire content of the degree program can be included in the capstone project. Mastery of the course material is exemplified in capstone projects demonstrate the application of theory and concepts presented in ASEM curriculum.

The ultimate objective of the capstone is to demonstrate the students mastery of the ASEM material and to apply concepts and theory to their challenging work environments.

  • Spring 2024
    • Brooks, Andrew– ‘Moving a High Hazard Environment to a Learning-Based Culture’
    • Dover, Kelly – ‘Bridging the Gap Between Work as Done and Work as Imagined: Perfecting the Activity Hazard Analysis’
    • Hasenkopf, Spencer – ‘Leadership and the Field - A Critical Relationship to Organizational Success within a Complex-Adaptive System’
    • Jacobs, Kyle – ‘Shifting an Organization’s Approach to Accountability from One that is Detrimental to One that Supports a Positive Safety Culture’
    • Koss, Matt – ‘Risk Quantification: A Wicked Challenge’
    • Mattox, Matt – ‘How Applied Resilience Engineering Facilitated by Human and Organizational Potential Framework Led to Improved Shutdown Safety Outcomes’
    • Ramirez, Lyle – ‘Building Organizational Culture and Psychological Safety for New Workers in Electrical Environments’
  • Fall 2023
    • Alcantara Webster, Jesus – ‘How Human-Centered Language in Accident Reports can Place People in a Negative Light.’
    • Collins, Josh – ‘Incident Investigation in the Construction: From Linear Thinking to Embracing Complexity and Learning’
    • Cummins, Ken – ‘Improving Safety Management Systems with Learning Reviews’
    • Dowdy, Myris – ‘Applying Concepts of Diversity to Safety’
    • Davis, Kyle – ‘Moving from Procedure to Expertise in Complex Adaptive Workplaces’
    • Dixon, Aaron – ‘A Quest to Become the Safety Guy & Develop Safety Leaders of Tomorrow’
    • Hidalgo, Hugo – ‘Learning from Normal Work in a Complex System’
    • Northcutt, Davis – ‘How to Change a Culture’
    • Ogbondah, Victor – ‘The Gap Between Control Room and Field Operations Resulting in Incidents’
    • Schule, Jason – ‘Accident Investigations: Shift to Learning’
    • Taah, Susan – ‘Prevention through Design – a Story of Application’
  • Summer 2023
    • Canlas, June – “Incorporation of Software Safety with Model-Based Systems Engineering in the ANSYS Environment”
    • DeFreese, Danielle – “Complexity with the Conventional”
    • Greeves, Rachelle – “Utilizing Cognitive Ergonomics to Leverage Neuro-Inclusive Prevention through Design”
    • Hughes, Keithen – “Accountability and Learning: A New Pathway Emerges”
    • Page, Cody – “Challenging Long-Held Beliefs about Risk”
    • Watson, Clifford – “Rehumanizing Safety”
  • Spring 2023
    • Callahan, Dallas – “Catalyst for Change”
    • Evans, Chris – “Not Either or "And", A Comparison of two Accident Investigation Tools”
    • Gebremeskel, Daniel – “Improving Safety Culture with Robust Leadership Psychological Safety Training”
    • Lahoud, Layla – “Solar Energy Solution - Providing Power for a Syrian Refugee Medical Camp an Advanced Safety Engineering and Management: OHSMS Plan”
    • Ortiz, Rob – “Leading, Managing, and Walking the Safety Talk in Naval Aviation”
    • Pritchett, Brad – “Enhanced Machine Safety Utilizing Prevention through Design (PtD)”
    • Schilke, Aaron – “What has accountability done for you lately!”
    • Williams-Davis, Sadiqua – “Utilizing Cross Functional Team Collaborations to Improve and Implement a Transformative and Resilient EHS Program”
  • Fall 2022
    • Baca, Rustin – "From Processes and Procedures to Dialog and Learning"
    • Bell, Scott – "A Model to Measure and Improve Leadership and Safety Within the NCA"
    • Bell, Mark – "Effectiveness of Completing a PHA within a Team Setting"
    • Davis, Wayne – "Do Safety Audits Uncover the Unknown in Complex Adaptive Systems?"
    • Funk, Susan – "Neurological Function and its Intersection with Risk"
    • Harasim, Nathan – "Perception, Drift and Normalization of Risk"
    • Kilgas, Jake – "Moving From Observing to Engaging"
    • Mayard, Courtney – "Safety Culture in the Normal Environment"
    • Owens, Brandon – "Shifting an Organization's Focus into a Learning Culture"
    • Pallis, Jere – "Impact of Non-Standard Work Schedules on the Safety of Offshore Workers"
    • Plesich, Rob – "The Need for a Preventative & Resilient Approach to Ergonomics"
    • Sanchez, Diego – "Multi-Cultural Safety: Challenges and Opportunities"
    • Smith, Benjamin – "Psychological Safety and Risk"
    • Spradling, TJ – "A Case for Learning-Based Safety"
    • Stanton, Miranda – "Safety Culture and the Effects on Human Performance"
    • Towne, Laura – "Integrating Hazard Risk Management into the System Development Lifecycle"
    • Wetterhus, Timothy – "Supplier/Integrator Machinery Safety"
    • Williams, Crystal – "How Competing Mission-Critical Priorities Can Influence an Organization’s Safety Climate"
  • Summer 2022
    • Bell, Justin – "Psych Safety in Organizational Culture: Blame Fixes Nothing!"
    • Booth, Brandon – "Advanced Safety Engineering and Management and Small Businesses"
    • Burton, Justin – "Applying Right Brain Philosophy to Prevention through Design"
    • Carroll, Emily – "How Can Complex Organizations Build Resilience into a Standardized Rule- Based Environment?"
    • Felder, Chad – "Embracing Complexity within Process Safety Management"
    • Hathaway, Duane – "ASEM Plan: Safety Management Re-Imagined"
    • Mullis, Sean – "Shifting Regulatory Practice from Enforcement to Safety Promotion"
    • Perceival, Reggie – "The Social Influence of Generational Cultures in Transformational Safety"
    • Waldman, Mike – "Understanding Risk within Diverse Organizations"
    • Young, Madeline – "Human Performance and Systems Safety"
    • Zajac, Sean – "Can 'paper-safe' lead us to being more vulnerable?"