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prototyping lab2021The Engineering Design and Prototyping Lab is an open-access workspace where approved engineering students can work independently or in teams on class projects or related extracurricular activities. The lab includes ample workspace, as well as commonly used tools and storage space for unfinished or ongoing projects.

Potential uses of the space include collaborative brainstorming, rapid prototyping, electronics work and basic fabrication/prototyping that students can use without direct supervision. The use of power tools, advanced 3D printers and machining equipment will require supervision by the lab director, course instructor, or other approved faculty members. Students who are interested in undertaking such a project must complete the Project Proposal/Risk Assessment Form and email it to the lab safety director listed on the form.

Hours and Location

EEC 166 and 171
7 a.m. until 10 p.m. 

  • Room 166 is intended for unsupervised student space and is available to approved students during the building's normal operating hours (7 a.m. until 10 p.m. during the semster) 
  • Room 171 may be utilized by unsupervised students with the same restrictions as above (7 a.m. until 10 p.m.). However, some equipment in 171 will be available for supervised use when the lab director or course instructor is present.

Saftey Training

Safety training is required annually for all students who want to access the Design and Prototyping Labs (EEC166 & EEC171) and equipment therein. The following is required:

  • Shop Safety (Log in with your Blazer ID and password)
  • OSHA Hazard Communication Awareness (HAZCOM) Training (log in using Blazer ID and password)
  • Read the School of Engineering Operation and Safety Handbook. Sign and date the last page.
  • Submit the two completion certifications (Shop Safety and HAZCOM Training) and the signed safety manual attestation (LAST PAGE ONLY) as instructed on the Design and Prototyping Lab webpage.  Use the required file name format.

Upon completion of the steps above submit the completion certificate and attestation (last page only) by clicking here.

Important: Please us the following format when saving your file, using your last and first name and the actual date of completion:

  • "Last name_first name Lab Safety Manual 28Aug24"
  • "Last name_first name Shop Safety Certificate 28Aug24"
  • "Last name_first name HAZCOM 28Aug24"

Once the files have been submitted, the student can arrange to get a sticker for their OneCard indicating training is complete.The sticker must be visible in the lower right corner of the student's OneCard in order for them to gain access to basic prototyping materials in EEC 166 and the 3D printers in EEC 171.


Students or faculty who would like to learn more about the E&P Lab should contact Lab Director Tim Wick, Ph.D.