Explore UAB

gulf scholars programThe Gulf Scholars Program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB-GSP) is designed to provide undergraduate students the opportunity to develop critical thinking and civic engagement skills with a focus on challenges facing the Gulf Coast region in the United States. The UAB-GSP will develop an annual cadre of students that will ultimately contribute to the well-being of the Gulf Coast states that face a variety of threats including for example, tropical storms, increased precipitation, harmful algal blooms and increasing temperatures. This will be explored in the context of at-risk communities facing a number of additional challenges where resources are limited and social factors, some long-running, impact their ability to adequately prepare for, respond to and recover from such threats. The UAB-GSP will immerse students in selected courses and interactions designed to provide scholars the background, training, education and tools to implement robust community-oriented projects oriented towards selected Gulf Coast challenges.

Funded by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the Gulf Scholars Program supports Gulf of Mexico region colleges and universities in preparing undergraduate students as the next generation to address critical challenges in the region related to the focus areas of the Gulf Research Program – community health and resilience, environmental protection and stewardship and offshore energy safety.

How to Apply

Interested in contributing to the well-being and health of communities in the Gulf states?

The Gulf Scholars Program is open to any UAB undergraduate student who is a rising sophomore and above.

The 2025 application cycle has closed.

Scholars will be eligible to receive a stipend (up to $2,000) for completion of programmatic requirements.

Student Spotlight

  • Meagan Jordan
    Civil Engineering Major
    UAB Gulf Scholar

    Read more
  • Sydney Hewitt
    Genetics and Genomic Sciences Major
    UAB Gulf Scholar

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Program Requirements

The UAB Gulf Scholars Program curriculum was designed to be flexible, interdisciplinary and comprehensive. Gulf Scholars will complete curricular and co-curricular activities related to five learning outcomes in preparation for their culminating GSP experience – participating in a community-driven Gulf Impact Project. Following the completion of the project, students will have the opportunity to present their results at the UAB Expo and/or the Annual Gulf Scholars Meeting.

Need More Information?

For questions regarding the Gulf Scholars Program, contact gulfscholars@uab.edu.

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