Meagan Jordan
Civil Engineering Major
UAB Gulf Scholar
Q: How has being part of the Gulf Scholars Program helped you grow personally and academically?
GSP has improved my ability to approach ideas with an open mind. The program encouraged me to consider if my reactions to topics were truly unbiased or if I was letting my own feelings cloud my understanding of different perspectives. This translates into my daily life and helps me to genuinely be more interested in the lived experiences of others and the perspectives they bring.
GSP broadened my exposure to like-minded students in other disciplines. It's easy to get caught up in our own world and forget how much greater our impact can be by taking a systems approach. GSP opened my mind to the wide-ranging impacts of civil engineering on our environment, while also showing me that professions that seem so far apart can actually be very much intertwined with each other. Instead of just questioning the reactions forces will create on a structure, I question what impacts someone from a Public Health or Marine Biology background will experience when that structure is complete.

Q: Can you share a memorable moment or experience from the program that had a significant impact on you?
One of the most significant moments for me was a presentation on microplastics in the Gulf of Mexico. The presenter became involved with the microplastic issue while researching coastal erosion. That small detail reminded me of my passion for marshes and shorelines. I became more interested in understanding the role civil infrastructure plays in causing erosion, and what we as civil engineers can do to address this. This inspired me to pursue this topic for my PhD thesis, something I never considered as a possibility. I've previously done some research on dams, and my experience with Gulf Scholars has helped me see how I can use that knowledge to address a much greater issue, hopefully mitigating future catastrophic events.
Q: How has the Gulf Scholars Program encouraged you to engage with and make an impact on the Gulf Coast region?
I was in Florida during the Deepwater Horizon Disaster, so I've been passionate about this region for quite some time. This program allows me to take the helplessness I felt watching the daily feed of the oil spewing into the gulf and listening to the stories from the impacted locals and turn that into motivation to create lasting change. Whether I'm enjoying the beautiful emerald coast, a bay, Sabine, or creek, I'm always thinking about how we could engineer something more efficiently to lessen our impact. I try to engage locals so I can learn more about their experiences and issues they recognize within the area. Instead of spending money on tourist attractions, I visit local conservation areas. This has helped me learn so much about the history of the region and the local ecosystem, while visiting places I never knew existed.
Q: How does your major/interests connect with the components and themes of the Gulf Scholars Program?
Civil engineering is a key player in everything GSP stands for. Whether it's the structural integrity of dams, storm runoff, clean drinking water, sustainable construction, or a list of other topics, engineering design can create major improvements or major negative impacts. Engineers determine building materials, how runoff will be handled, how structures will be built, etc. Their designs dictate whether vulnerable areas will be flooded and contaminated by harmful pollutants or runoff will be properly diverted and contaminants captured. This program highlights just how important every decision civil engineers make can effect the environment we live in.
Q: What would you say to students considering applying to the Gulf Scholars Program?
If someone is considering the Gulf Scholars Program, they should absolutely go for it. My only regret is not doing it sooner. This program illustrates the impacts each of us can have and creates a platform that can reach so many people. The multi-disciplinary approach is vital to implementing lasting changes to protect our local ecosystems and produce a better quality of life for everyone. The everyday grind of school makes it easy to lose sight of what you hope to achieve. GSP helped me remember why I am passionate about Civil Engineering and how my professional aspirations can positively impact the things I enjoy in my personal life.