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Assistant Professor  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Education & Engineering 254
(205) 996-5797

Research Interests: Soft electronics, sensors and actuators, robotic skin, bioinspired engineering, adaptive materials, and digital manufacturing.

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.S., Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China 2012
  • M.S., Polymer Chemistry and Physics , University of Science and Technology of China, 2015
  • Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Irvine, 2020

Dr. Xu's overall vision is to drive innovation in advanced functional materials, scalable manufacturing, bioinspired engineering, and system integration to enhance human health and performance, enable safer and dexterous robots, and allow unprecedented system operation under complex/extreme environments.

  • Research Experience

    Human Skin-Inspired Materials and Electronics
    Stanford University, CA
    (Research Staff Scientist/Postdoctoral Research Fellow)

    Main projects:

    • Designed and developed a scalable digital manufacturing approach to produce large-area, high-resolution electronic tactile skin for interactive human and robotic applications.
    • Engineered soft ultrasound-compatible skin sensing materials and systems that allow sonographers to quantify force dynamics during clinical ultrasound diagnostics.
    • Explored atomically thin MoS2 nanoribbon networks for ultrasensitive soft vibration sensing that allows detection of weak mechano-acoustic signals from human body.
    • Developed bending-insensitive soft pressure sensors with high sensitivity, linear response, and broad dynamic ranges for environmentally intelligent soft robots.
    • Integrate customizable soft robotic skin for dexterous manipulation (in collaboration with Prof. Jiajun Wu at Stanford CS).

    Participated Projects:

    • Implemented rational mechanical design of 3D-printed lattices for multimodal capacitive sensing (in collaboration with Prof. Joseph M. DeSimone and Prof. Mark R. Cutkosky at Stanford).
    • Developed a multifunctional pressure and strain sensor for tactile compliance identification.
    • Designed dynamic self-healing materials for dielectric elastomer and shape memory actuators.
    • Introduced stretchable strain sensor networks for algorithm-enabled 3D shape sensing.
    • Developed intrinsically stretchable high-brightness optoelectronics (OLEDs), high-speed circuits, neuromorphic devices, and bioelectronic fibers.

    Adaptive Materials and Systems Inspired by Cephalopod Skin
    University of California, Irvine
    (Graduate Research Assistant)

    • Elucidated the structure-function correlation of a bio-derived color-changing cephalopod protein (reflectin) across multiple length scales.
    • Engineered a soft, stretchable block copolymer with optimal combination of electrical, optical, and mechanical properties for multispectral camouflage.
    • Pioneered bioinspired adaptive infrared-reflecting materials and systems that enabled dynamic infrared signature manipulation and thermoregulation applications.
    • Developed an octopus-inspired multifunctional signaling platform from a stimuli-responsive organic nonacene derivative with record-high environmental stability.
    • Translated small lab-scale soft actuator-based platforms into large-area camouflage systems.
  • Select Publications
    1. Berman, A.; Hsiao, K.; Root, S., Choi, H., Ilyn, D., Xu, C.; Stein, E.; Cutkosky, M., DeSimone, J. M.; Bao, Z., Additively Manufactured Micro-Lattice Dielectrics for Multiaxial Capacitive Sensors, Science Advances, Under Revision (2024).
    2. 2. Khatib, M.; Zhao, E.; Wei, S.; Abramson, A.; Bishop, E.; Chen, C.; Thomas, A.; Xu, C.; Park. J.; Lee, Y.; Hamnett, R.; Yu, W.; Root, S.; Yuan, L.; Chakhtoura, D.; Kim, K. K.; Zhong, D.; Nishio, Y.; Zhao, C.; Wu, C.; Jiang, Y.; Zhang, A.; Li, J.; Wang, W.; Salimi-Jazi, F.; Rafeeqi, T.; Hemed. N. M.; J. B.-H.; Chen, X.; Kaltschmidt, J.; Dunn, J.; Bao, Z. Spiral NeuroString: High-Density Soft Bioelectronic Fibers for Multimodal Sensing and Stimulation. Nature, Under Revision (2024). Access on bioRxiv: doi.org/10.1101/2023.10.02.560482
    3. Shi, Y.; Cooper, C. B.; Nogusa, T.; Lai, L.; Lyu, H.; Khatib, M.; Xu, C.; Michalek, L.; Bao, Z. Shape-memory-assisted self-healing of periodic dynamic polymers with high energy density and tunable actuation temperature, Matter, 7, 2108–2124 (2024).
    4. Zhong, D.; Wu, C.; Jiang, Y.; Kim, M.; Nishio, Y.; Shih, C.; Wang, W.; Lai, J.; Ji, X.; Gao, T.; Wang, Y.; Xu, C.; Zheng, Y.; Yu, Z.; Gong, H.; Matsuhisa, N.; Zhao, C.; Lei, Y.; Liu, D.; Zhang, S.; Ochiai, Y.; Tok, J. B.-H.; Bao, Z. High-speed and large-scale intrinsically stretchable integrated circuits. Nature, 627 (8003), 313-320 (2024).
    5. Pratakshya. P.*; Xu. C.*; Dibble J.*; Mukazhanova A.; Liu, P.; Burke, A.; Kurakake, R.; Lopez, R; Dennison, P.; Sharifzadeh, S.; Gorodetsky, A. A.; Octopus-Inspired Deception and Signaling Systems from an Exceptionally-stable Nonacene Derivative, Nature Communications, 14 (1), 8528 (2023). (*denotes equal contribution)
    6. Wang, W.; Jiang, Y.; Zhong, D.; Zhang, Z.; Choudhury, S.; Lai, J.-C.; Gong, H.; Niu, S.; Yan, X.; Zheng, Y.; Shih, C.-C.; Ning, R.; Lin, Q.; Li, D.; Kim, Y.-H.; Kim, J.; Wang, Y.-X.; Zhao, C.; Xu, C.; Ji, X.; Nishio, Y.; Lyu, H.; Tok, J. B.-H.; Bao, Z. Neuromorphic Sensorimotor Loop Embodied by Monolithically Integrated, Low-Voltage, Soft e-Skin. Science, 380 (6646), 735–742 (2023).
    7. Gong, H.; Patino, D. U.; Ilavsky, J.; Kuzmenko, I.; Peña-Alcántara, A. E.; Zhu, C.; Coffey, A. H.; Michalek, L.; Elabd, A.; Gao, X.; Chen, S.; Xu, C.; Yan, H.; Jiang, Y.; Wang, W.; Peng, Y.; Zeng, Y.; Lyu, H.; Moon, H.; Bao, Z. Tunable 1D and 2D Polyacrylonitrile Nanosheet Superstructures. ACS Nano, 17 (18), 18392–18401 (2023).
    8. Zhang, Z.; Wang, W.; Jiang, Y.; Wang, Y.-X.; Wu, Y.; Lai, J.-C.; Niu, S.; Xu, C.; Shih, C.-C.; Wang, C.; Yan, H.; Galuska, L.; Prine, N.; Wu, H.-C.; Zhong, D.; Chen, G.; Matsuhisa, N.; Zheng, Y.; Yu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Dauskardt, R.; Gu, X.; Tok, J. B.-H.; Bao, Z. High-Brightness All-Polymer Stretchable LED with Charge-Trapping Dilution. Nature, 603 (7902), 624–630 (2022).
    9. Gong, H.; Chen, Y.; Chen, S.; Xu, C.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Y.; Huang, Z.; Ning, R.; Cui, Y.; Bao, Z. Fast-Charging of Hybrid Lithium-Ion/Lithium-Metal Anodes by Nanostructured Hard Carbon Host. ACS Energy Letters, 7 (12), 4417–4426 (2022).
    10. Xu, C.; Kandel, N.; Qiao, X.; Khan, Md. I.; Pratakshya, P.; Tolouei, N. E.; Chen, B.; Gorodetsky, A. A. Long-Range Proton Transport in Films from a Reflectin-Derived Polypeptide. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13 (18), 20938–20946 (2021).
    11. Liu, Y.*; Feng, Z.*; Xu, C.; Chatterjee, A.; Gorodetsky, A. A. Reconfigurable Micro- and Nano-Structured Camouflage Surfaces Inspired by Cephalopods. ACS Nano, 15 (11), 17299–17309 (2021).
    12. Xu, C.; Escobar, M.; Gorodetsky, A. A. Stretchable Cephalopod‐Inspired Multimodal Camouflage Systems. Advanced Materials, 32 (16), 1905717 (2020).
    13. Xu, C.; Stiubianu, G. T.; Gorodetsky, A. A. Adaptive Infrared-Reflecting Systems Inspired by Cephalopods. Science, 359(6383), 1495–1500 (2018).
    14. Li, B.; Xu, C.; Zhang, F.; Zheng, J.; Xu, C. Self-Polarized Piezoelectric Thin Films: Preparation, Formation Mechanism and Application. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (34), 8926–8931 (2015).
    15. Li, B.; Xu, C.; Zheng, J.; Xu, C. Sensitivity of Pressure Sensors Enhanced by Doping Silver Nanowires. Sensors, 14 (6), 9889–9899 (2014).
  • Patents
    • Harutyunyan, A.; Li, X.; Bao, Z.; Xu, C. Ultrathin and conformable combined vibration sensors for monitoring parameters of respiratory sounds, US Patent App #18/614,052 (2024). Joint filing: Stanford University and the Honda Research Institute, USA.
    • Gorodetsky, A. A.; Pratakshya, P; Xu, C.; Dibble, D. J.; Pan, Y.; Burke, A. Octopus-Inspired Deception and Signaling Systems from an Exceptionally-Stable Acene Variant. US Provisional Patent Application # 63/613,669 (2023).
    • Gorodetsky, A. A.; Xu, C.; Stiubianu, G. T. Adaptive Materials and Systems for Manipulation of Electromagnetic Radiation. US Patent App. 16/981,231 (2021).
    • Gorodetsky, A. A.; Xu, C.; Stiubianu, G. T. Adaptive Materials and Systems for Manipulation of Electromagnetic Radiation. WO/2019/178553 (2019).
  • Invited Talks and Conference Presentations
    1. Berman, A.; Xu, C.; Root, S.; Bao, Z. “All-Elastomer Multifunctional Pressure and Strain Sensor for Tactile Compliance Identification”, Gordon Research Conference - Robotics, Ventura, CA, USA, 2024.
    2. Liu, Y.; Feng, Z.; Xu, C.; Chatterjee, A.; Gorodetsky, A. “Multispectral Camouflage Surfaces Inspired by Cephalopods”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 2023.
    3. Berman, A.; Xu, C.; Singh, R.; Beker, L.; Bao, Z. A Multifunctional Pressure and Strain Sensor for Tactile Compliance Identification. Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2023.
    4. Berman, A.; Hsiao, K.; Xu, C.; Stein, E.; Nguyen, K.; DeSimone, J. M.; Bao, Z. Flexible Capacitive Pressure Sensors with 3D Printed Lattice Dielectric Layers. Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2023.
    5. Xu, C.; Lyu, H.; Nguyen, B.; Recent Advances in Skin Electronics. Berkeley-Stanford Soft Matter Symposium, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2022.
    6. Hsiao, K.; Lipkowitz, G.; IIyin, D.; Berman, A.; Xu, C.; Stein, E.; Nguyen, K.; Samuelson, T.; Bao, Z.; Shaqfeh, E.; DeSimone, J. M. “Single-digit micron 3D Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) for wearable electronics”, Gordon Research Conference - Additive Manufacturing, Ventura, CA, USA, 2022.
    7. Stein, E.; Hsiao, K.; Berman, A.; Xu, C.; Nguyen, K.; Bao, Z.; DeSimone, J. M. “3D printing lattice based capacitive pressure sensors for human health and performance monitoring”, Gordon Research Conference - Additive Manufacturing, Ventura, CA, 2022.
    8. Xu, C.; Gorodetsky, A. A. “Stretchable Cephalopod-Inspired Multimodal Camouflage”, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2020 (Virtual due to Covid-19).
    9. Xu, C. Gordon Research Conference-Bioelectronics, Andover, NH, 2019.
    10. Xu, C. A. A. Gorodetsky, “Adaptive infrared-reflecting systems inspired by cephalopods”, US Army Multifunctional Materials Workshop, Natick, MA, USA, 2018.
    11. Xu, C. “Adaptive infrared camouflage inspired by cephalopods: from science fiction to reality”, Cephalopod International Advisory Council Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, 2018.
    12. Xu, C.; Gorodetsky, A. A. “Adaptive infrared-reflecting systems inspired by cephalopods”, TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, Anaheim, CA, USA, 2018.
    13. Xu, C.; Gorodetsky, A. A. “Adaptive infrared camouflage inspired by cephalopods”, AGS Graduate Research Symposium, UC Irvine, CA, USA, 2018.
    14. Xu, C.; Gorodetsky, A. A. “Adaptive infrared-reflecting materials and systems inspired by cephalopods”, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2018.
    15. Leung, E. M.; Phan, L.; Xu, C.; Gorodetsky, A. A. "Camouflage materials inspired by cephalopods", Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2017.
    16. Xu, C.; Zheng, J.; Xu, C. “Flapping metal actuator in electrical field”, SPIE Fourth International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, Gold Coast, Australia, 2013.
    17. Xu, C. “Electro-active polymer actuators and their applications”, The 7th National Laboratory Academic Forum, Hefei, China, 2013.