Explore UAB

Undergraduate Program

Student performing experiment in lab.The Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering's undergraduate programs cover a wide spectrum of engineering applications. The department offers bachelor of science degrees in the related fields of mechanical engineering and materials engineering.

Mechanical engineering students gain proficiency in a mixture of mostly theoretical and lab-based courses that explore all facets of mechanical engineering applications.

Materials students can concentrate in areas such as biomaterials, metallurgy, and polymer matrix composites.

Besides classroom learning, our students are trained with technical skills through laboratory classes, research experiences in laboratories led by faculty, and internships and co-ops in industry. Students develop their professional skill by active engagement with the UAB student chapters of various professional societies and participating in outreach activities. After graduation, our students either start professional careers or pursue graduate studies.

In addition to mechanical and materials engineering majors, students in the MME department can choose from 13 engineering minors that allow students to customize their education according to their interests and career objectives. 

Accelerated Learning

Students in the MME Department can participate in a number of accelerated learning opportunities, including

Honors Program

Students are invited to participate in the honors program in their respective degree programs. Eligible students must have completed EGR 265 - Math Tools for Engineering Problem Solving, MA227 (Calculus III) and they must receive departmental endorsement. Invitations are extended by the Dean's office during spring semester of each year.

Honors programs require nine credit hours above the 128 hours required for a bachelors degree.


  • Students must enroll in the one-credit EGR 301 Honors Research I course, which "introduces students to research methodology, ethics, data analysis, and technical communication." The course also helps students to identify a research mentor. This course is offered only in the fall and is preferably taken junior year.
  • Students must enroll in two one-hour departmental seminars (ME 494 or MSE 496). This can be done during any two semesters—fall or spring—in their course of study.
  • Students must complete six hours of credit in honors research (ME 496 or MSE 497) under the direction of a faculty mentor.

Program Credit

  • Completion of the departmental honors program with a B or better average satisfies three credits of either a mechanical or materials engineering elective or an engineering/math/science elective.
  • Honors research beyond the required six hours can be applied as graduate credit.

Course Catalog

Complete lists of program requirements, courses, and a proposed four-year program of study for engineering majors are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog.

5th Year Program

5th Year Program





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If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

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