As a J-1 Exchange Visitor, you may demonstrate your English oral proficiency through an interview conducted via a video conferencing platform by UAB's English Language Programs. After completing the interview and paying the required interview fee, you will receive the results of the English language proficiency interview.
- J-1/J-2 Exchange Visitors must forward results to Emily Vigneulle ( ) and Lauren Reese ( ) at ISSS. - B-1/B-2 international medical visitors must forward results to Ashley Hempenstall in International Medical Education ( ). - ISSS and International Medical Education will then verify your results and communicate your next steps.
Scheduling & Fees
- The J-1 Exchange Visitor EPTs are scheduled in 30-minute time blocks and are conducted via LifeSize.
- The interview fee is $75.
- J-1 Exchange Visitor EPT appointments may be canceled through a link provided in the confirmation e-mail. Appointments that are canceled at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled time can be rescheduled with no additional fee; late cancellations will be required to pay an additional interview fee.
- To schedule your test, submit your payment and send the confirmation email to: English Placement Test ( ) along with the following information for the person who will be taking the test:- Name
- Time Zone or Location
Pay Fee and Register for Test →
The button above will take you to a PayPal site where you will be prompted to submit payment to INTO UAB. Upon successful payment, you will need to attach your receipt to the email to schedule your test.
About the J-1 Exchange Visitor EPT
- The oral interview lasts 20-30 minutes and is designed to assess proficiency in spoken English. The interview session includes a discussion of academic interests and conversations about everyday topics.
- The test is conducted by highly trained language experts in the field of applied linguistics. It is an objective test that has been assessed for reliability.
- At the start of the interview, you will be asked to show the interviewer official identification that includes a recent photo and your name written in Latin script.
- You may not use any written materials or other external resources (people, websites, on-line translators, dictionaries) during the interview.
J-1 Exchange Visitor EPT Scoring
An interview assessment report will be sent to you within five business days after the interview (not including Saturdays and Sundays). The report will indicate a score of “Passed” or “Not-Passed.” Passed indicates that you meet the level for English language proficiency as required by the Department of State. If you do not pass, you will be given recommendations for language study that will provide you an opportunity to reach the passing level.
The test and scoring are based on the Common European Framework for languages (CEFR). Your English proficiency must be at least a B1 level.
CEFR B1 Proficiency Indicators:
Usually keeps a flow of speech but often uses repetition, self-correction, hesitation, and/or slower speech, particularly in complex communication. Has much vocabulary to discuss familiar topics, but less for unfamiliar and generalized topics; errors in word choice may affect communication. Produces basic sentences with good grammatical accuracy, but has a limited range of complex structures; frequent errors may affect communication. Pronunciation usually understandable, but errors in words and intonation may cause some difficulty for the listener. When listening, often has difficulty comprehending language at a native speed and with reductions.