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Passport Office Staff

Sreenagajyothi Gundepudi

Passport Agent
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Aaron White

Passport Agent
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Mason Simmons, Passport Agent

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Mason Simmons is the Office Services Specialist for the Passport Office. She graduated from UAB with a bachelor’s in psychology and a minor in Chinese language in 2021. Prior to joining the Passport Office, Mason served in the Office of Education Abroad as a Peer Ambassador, assisting students with their study abroad applications. While still a student, she studied abroad in Chengdu, China for fall 2019 and Montevideo, Uruguay for spring 2020.

When it comes to time-off, Mason enjoys exploring new local coffee shops, taking long drives with the top down, and singing off-key karaoke. On sunny days and long weekends, you can find her at the beach breathing in the salt air or at the park enjoying a picnic. She looks forward to being able to help keep travel alive working with the Education Abroad team and Birmingham community.

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