Congratulations! You’re ready to make one of the best decisions of your life. Studying abroad is a student-driven process guided by professional study abroad staff. We expect students to ask questions throughout the process and pay attention to important deadlines.

Make an Appointment
Meet with a Peer Ambassador in Education Abroad to discuss your program options. Once you’ve selected a specific program, you’ll meet with the Education Abroad Advisor.
How to Apply
Follow step-by-step instructions to guide you through applying for a reciprocal exchange, faculty-led, internship or affiliated program.
After Acceptance
While you wait for your official admission, we encourage you to prepare for the post-acceptance requirements. Once you are officially admitted to your program there are a few things you will need to complete on your UAB application. A majority of students are admitted to their program, so jump start your preparations to alleviate the stress later.
Once You’re Back
See what programming and resources there are to help you transition back to campus, and plan your future after studying abroad.
Non-UAB Students
UAB hosts non-UAB students on several of our faculty-led programs each year. Check out the current list of programs and the steps to applying and preparing to go abroad.
Register Your Travel
Students participating in travel associated with student organizations, international conferences, and dissertation research don’t have to apply to study abroad, but they do have to register their travel. Complete the simple steps to gain clearance to travel abroad.