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HR Information Systems

The UAB Report Viewer is a repository for reports in the Oracle HR & Finance application. While the report viewer is available to all active employees in Oracle, users must have the ability to run reports from a separate responsibility, such as HR Officer, to receive reports under the responsibility UAB Report Viewer.

HR Data Privacy and Security

All consumers of UAB HR data are required to complete the HR Privacy Awareness Course in the Campus Learning System. For more information, please visit the HR Data page.

Running Reports in Oracle HR & Finance

Ad hoc (on demand) reports are available on an as needed basis when using the UAB HR Officer Responsibility. The chart below lists the report names as they appear in the Run Reports > Submit Request LOV, as well as the report format and output location. Also provided is whether an email notification is sent to the requestor once the report is generated, and if the report is available in Excel format. Instructions for setting up report parameters in Concurrent Manager and an explanation of the report, can be accessed by clicking on the name of the report you wish to generate.

⇨ How to Run and View Reports in Oracle (PDF)

Reports Available on Demand

Report Name

Report Description

Delivery Location

Delivery Format

ADMUAB Report Responsibilities RPTADM100 Identifies the access responsibilities set up in Oracle based on one of three parameters: by Organization, by Responsibility, or by Person. This report is available under the UAB HR Officer responsibility. View Output PDF
HRUAB ACT Docs Transaction Report The HR ACT DOC TRANSACTION REPORT provides detailed information on ACT transactions in “Complete” status as of the run date of the report. This report includes: select Person Data information, transactional Assignment/Salary information, and Element Payments as they appeared on the ACT transaction. UAB Report Viewer Excel
HRUAB ACT Hire Docs in Progress The ACT HIRE DOCS IN PROGRESS REPORT is a listing of all ACT Hire Type Documents (to include: New Hire, Rehire and New Trainee) currently in OPEN, READY, or USER_APPROVED status as of the date the report is generated. Email Excel
HRUAB ACT Term Docs Completed The ACT TERM DOCS COMPLETED REPORT is a listing of all ACT Termination Type Documents (TERMINATE EMPLOYEE, END A TRAINEE and END A VOLUNTEER) with a document effective date within a selected period of time. Only termination type documents with a document status of “Complete” will display on the report. Email Excel
HRUAB Ad Hoc Supervisor Report The HRUAB Ad Hoc Supervisor Report provides a listing of employee assignment and position along with supervisor information which includes name, assignment, status, and org. UAB Report Viewer Excel
HRUAB Basic Report A basic HR report that includes some commonly requested HR data fields. Available on-demand to all users with the HR Officer responsibility. This report returns active, primary assignments only. UAB Report Viewer Excel
HRUAB Ludicrous Report The HRUAB LUDICROUS REPORT provides detailed information for employees in a specified organizational unit as of the run date of the report. This everything but the kitchen sink report has over 80 data fields which includes Person Data, Assignment, Salary, and basic Faculty Appointment (where available) information, as it appears in the person’s Oracle employment record. This report is available to HR Org Admins ONLY. UAB Report Viewer Excel
HRUAB Program NO PAY REPORT FOR 04s AND 06s - (Excel) PKGHR126 The HRUAB 04 06 NO PAY REPORT provides a list of active 04 Irregular Part-Time and 06 Student employees within an organization that have not been compensated through UAB Payroll Services within the specified period of time. The purpose of this report is to assist organizations in identifying assignments that could potentially be “ended” or “terminated” via an ACT document due to no payroll activity. UAB Report Viewer Excel
HRUAB Program Voluntary Faculty Staff Appointments PKGHR124 The HRUAB PROGRAM VOLUNTEER FACULTY STAFF APPOINTMENTS REPORT provides a list of individuals with an “active” 60-Volunteer assignment within an organization as of the report effective date. Data in report also identifies whether individual has active faculty appointment. The purpose of this report is to assist organizations in identifying volunteer assignments that could potentially be “ended” via an ACT document. UAB Report Viewer Excel
HRUAB Report UAB Report Internal Organizations RPTHR516 The UAB INTERNAL ORGANIZATION REPORT is a listing of all internal organizations by Name, Organization Number, HR Contact and Phone Number, DEO and DEO Phone Number. View Output PDF
HRUAB University Departmental Position Summary The HRUAB UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTAL POSITION SUMMARY REPORT is designed to be used by UAB University Organizations; it provides a listing of all active and frozen positions in the Oracle HR Administrative System as of a defined date. UAB Report Viewer Excel
LDUAB Program Assignment Level Labor Distribution Report PKGLD089 The ASSIGNMENT LEVEL LABOR DISTRIBUTION REPORT provides a listing of the current assignment labor distributions for an organization’s employees. The report information is current as of the day the report request is submitted. UAB Report Viewer Excel
LDUAB Report Cumulative Salary Status RPTLDCSSR The CUMULATIVE SALARY STATUS REPORT is a cumulative listing of salary entries for individuals who are required to certify effort provided directly or indirectly to sponsored programs. Included on this report are the monthly payroll salary entries and salary adjustments made by departments pertaining to the designated quarter. The purpose of this report is to assist departments with monitoring activities ultimately related to the certification of an effort report. View Output PDF
PRUAB Departmental Secondary Assignment Details Report The PRUAB DEPARTMENTAL SECONDARY ASSIGNMENT DETAILS REPORT, based upon the end users HR Organizational Hierarchy, provides a listing of employees/trainees with active non-exempt secondary assignments. Assignment detail and supervisor information, for each active assignment, is included on the report. This report is designed to assist Timekeepers in identifying employees/trainees with active non-exempt secondary assignments outside of the end users HR Organizational access in order to determine appropriate timekeeping procedures. UAB Report Viewer Excel
PRUAB Report Position Hospital RPTPR210 The POSITION HOSPITAL CONTROL REPORT is for use by UAB Hospital/LLC Organizations only; it provides a listing of the current UAB Hospital Position Strings along with the mirrored LLC Position Strings. The POSITION HOSPITAL CONTROL REPORT also provides Oracle HR Data on the employees occupying the UAB Hospital/LLC Position Strings. UAB Report Viewer Excel
WFUAB Report Workflow Officer by Organization Report ALL RPTWF151 The WF UAB REPORT WORKFLOW OFFICE BY ORGANIZATION REPORT ALL report displays a list of all workflow officers per Organization. The parameters are submitted based on default values. The report will display Organization Number, Organization Name, and Workflow Officer. View Output PDF
WFUAB Report Workflow Officer by Organization RPTWF150 A report can be generated to identify the Approvers set up in Oracle based on one of two parameters: by Organization and by Workflow Officer. This report is available under the UAB HR Officer responsibility. The report will display Workflow Officer, Approvers, and Notify Person for specified Organization and all Document Types (HR & FN), along with threshold approval amounts for FN Documents. View Output PDF