The Hypertension Research Center is co-led by Nicole Lohr and David Pollock. Hypertension Research Center members represent the schools of Health Professions, Public Health, Medicine, and Nursing in the areas of basic science, clinical science, and population science.

Nicole Lohr, MD, PhD
Director, UAB Comprehensive Cardiovascular Center
Director, UAB Division of Cardiovascular Disease
Co-Director, UAB Medicine Cardiovascular Institute
Professor of Medicine

David Pollock, PhD
Co-Director, Hypertension Research Center
Professor and Co-Director, Cardio-Renal Physiology and Medicine
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine
UAB Heersink School of Medicine
Hypertension Research Center members have active roles in other UAB centers including:
Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Comprehensive Cardiovascular Center
Comprehensive Diabetes Center
Center for Free Radical Biology
Center For AIDS Research
Comprehensive Center for Healthy Aging
Diabetes Research Center
Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education