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Information Security is a team sport

We cannot protect all of UAB without your help. You play a key role in protecting information. Be knowledgeable. Be aware. Be proactive. Help us enable UAB to be world class.

The vision of UAB IT’s information security office is to “Secure to Empower.” Information Security is responsible for mitigating risk for the University through the development and maintenance of UAB’s Information Security strategy, which includes IT policies and best practices, security training and awareness programs, security monitoring and operations, secure architecture and vulnerability management. Our goal is to balance confidentiality (keeping private matters private), integrity (assuring that your information is complete and accurate) and availability (having timely and reliable access to your information).


2-Factor Authentication is required for all UAB students, faculty and employees.

Security Awareness

Be knowledgeable about common threats, like phishing, and how to protect yourself and UAB.

Tools & Services

Tools and services we deploy to help safeguard the University’s computing resources and data.

Data Classification

A classification system that makes it easier for faculty, staff and researchers to determine how to best secure the information.

Policies & Guidance

Policies help keep everyone safe from malware, data thieves, and identity theft.


UAB stays compliant with federal laws that stipulate how data related to HIPAA, FISMA, PCI, GLBA, and FERPA must be protected.

Latest from Security

  • UAB community seeing rise in phish purporting to be DocuSign emails
  • UAB IT offers guidance on use of DeepSeek
  • UAB IT streamlining phishing report emails
  • New Year, New Security goals