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UAB IT’s Information Security team offers tools and services to help safeguard the University’s computing resources and data.


Two-factor authentication service that is required for all UAB students, faculty and employees. It provides an extra layer of security.


Password management application that stores login credentials securely. Now remember just one master password for vault.


Below are services we offer to UAB. Submit a ticket to request help from our team on any of these topics.

  • Computer security incident response
    Respond to and manage computer security incidents, including but not limited to: risk containment; network investigations and computer forensics; preserving evidence; and managing remediation to ensure resumption of normal operations.
  • Firewall requests
    Reviews and approves firewall rule request to ensure consistency with UAB’s security posture.
  • Network security monitoring
    Perform established processes to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of UAB’s data and IT resources, in accordance with federal requirements.

    Users should be aware that their uses of University computer and network resources are not private. While the University does not routinely monitor individual usage, it does monitor the normal operation and maintenance of the University’s computing and networking resources including backup, logging of activity, the monitoring of general and individual usage patterns, and other such activities that are necessary for information security and the delivery of service. In addition, the University reserves the right to review, monitor and/or capture any content residing on, or transmitted over, its computers or network at its sole discretion without prior notification or approval.
  • Risk assessments
    UAB data must be protected in transit and storage (rest). Risk assessments help you make informed decisions when selecting vendors, establishing business processes and implementing technical controls. Risk assessment services are available to all schools and units.
  • Security consulting
    Provides subject matter expertise information and security, including engineering, management, assessment and compliance.
  • Security awareness and education
    Provides security awareness and training, such as presentations and online learning, as well as education on security products that UAB provides.
  • Vulnerability management
    Evaluates systems and applications to identify security vulnerabilities in the environment. Penetration testing evaluates the effectiveness of information security controls and procedures.