HSIP Incubator
The Incubator is loosely a brainstorming session. Participants include you and your team, the HSIP team, and additional ad hoc persons that bring specific expertise as needed for your project. Ad hoc persons typically include representatives from the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), Clinical/Medical Informatics, CCTS BERD (Biostats, Epi, Research Design). You will need to submit a concept proposal prior to requesting an Incubator meeting. Projects at any point in their development that would benefit from the collective feedback and experience of the group are welcome.
Contact Reid Eagleson (rmeagle@uab.edu) to request a concept proposal template.
HSIP Data Extraction, Transformation, and Analysis (ETA)
The Incubator meeting may lead to a Data Extraction, Transformation, and Analysis (ETA) meeting. This is a call between your investigative team and representatives from the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) and Clinical/Medical Informatics. The goal of this meeting is to finalize your request for data from the UAB Health System. You will need to submit a draft data request prior to being added to the ETA meeting schedule.
Contact Reid Eagleson (rmeagle@uab.edu) for a template data request and for scheduling.