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Where are we on LHS journey Dec 2024

The HSIP concept at UAB was based on the concept of a learning health system (LHS) focused on breaking down the “false trichotomy” that clinical care, health operations, and research function independently. UAB’s Health Services Foundation (HSF) provided $750,000 to the COERE to accomplish the following objectives to support development of a LHS at UAB.

  • Support the development of a LHS platform that would engage in project identification, data acquisition and transformation
  • Dissemination of findings from projects aimed at improving the quality of care at UAB Medicine
  • Serving as embedded scientists on 3 projects related to transitions of care and improving throughput in the emergency department. 

A taskforce chaired by Tony Jones, MD former President of the UA Health Services Foundation and Robert Kimberly, MD provided guidance on the development of a learning health system at UAB and the HSF grant. The taskforce ended in 2024.

Michael Mugavero, MD, MHSc
Professor, Infectious Diseases
Director, COERE 

Andrea Cherrington, MD, MPH
Professor, Preventive Medicine
Director, Clinical and Population Health Sciences

Jennifer Croker, PhD
Assistant Professor, Immunology
Senior Administrative Director, CCTS

Carlie Dobbins, MHA
Associate Principal, Clinical Practice Transformation

Kellie Flood, MD
Professor, Gerontology, Geriatrics and Palliative Care

Madeline Gibson, MPH
Deputy Director, COERE

Allyson Hall, PhD
Professor, Heath Services Administration
 Co-Director, COERE

Trudi Horton, PhD
Program Director, Clinical and Population Health Sciences

Cayla Brown, MBA, MHSA
Director, Clinical Research Integration

Elizabeth “Lisa” Jackson, MD, MPH
Professor and Interim Division Director, Cardiovascular Disease

Kennedy Preferred
Kierstin Kennedy, MD, MSHA
Interim Chief Medical Officer,
UAB Medicine

Robert Kimberly, MD
Senior Associate Dean, HSOM
Director, CCTS 

Adam McClintock, MBA
Director, Office of the IRB
Shea Polancich, PhD, RN
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean, Nursing Academic Affairs;
Joint Appointment, Nursing Administration, UAB Medicine
Patricia J Pritchett, JD, BSN
Executive Vice President Ambulatory and Administrative Services
Jill Stewart, DNP, RN, CNOR, LSSGB 
Associate VP, Nursing Quality and Clinical Excellence, UAB Medicine

Frederick ”Rick” Van Pelt, MD
Chief Clinical Transformation Officer, UAB Medicine

James Willig, MD, MSPH
Professor, Infectious Diseases
Assistant Dean, HSOM

Erin Yarbrough, MBA
Associate VP, Clinical Operations, UAB Medicine

Reid Eagleson

Reid M. Eagleson, MS MEng, LSSGB
Program Manager, COERE

Larry Hearld

Larry R. Hearld, PhD
Professor, Health Services Administration, Associate Director, COERE UAB


James Cimino, MD
Professor, General Internal Medicine, Director, Informatics Institute