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Deadline for the submission of abstracts has been extended to June 10!

Abstracts will be accepted for presentation after that, if space permits; however they will not be eligible for the abstract competition

  • All abstracts accepted will be presented at the Poster Session on Saturday, June 22, 2013, from 6-8 p.m. Students and postdocs must submit an abstract to be considered for a travel award. Winners of the abstract competition will be invited to give an oral presentation.
  • The deadline for submitting an abstract is June 10, 2013
  • Everybody submitting an abstract will also need to register for the symposium. The symposium is free. Lunch will be provided for pre-registrants only. Click here to register. Use the back button to come back to the symposium website.


Format and Send Abstract

  • Abstract should be no longer than one page, with 1 inch margins. Please use font Arial, 11
  • Abstract editing is the responsibility of the author
  • The person submitting the abstract must underline their name in the list of authors. If the first author presenting the study is a trainee (graduate student or postdoctoral fellow), please underline the name twice.
  • Title should be followed by one return
  • Author List and Institutions should be followed by one return
  • Provide any grant acknoweldgements for your research at the end of the abstract (e.g., NIH-AI-24256).


Prepare Poster

  • Poster space is limited. Be sure to submit abstract early.
  • Most poster display boards are 44 inch (height) X 68.5 inch (width)
  • Oversized posters will not be allowed