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Antibody Characterization and Serology (ACS) Core

Goal of the ACS core: The goal of the Antibody Characterization and Serology (ACS) core is to offer research reagents, multiplex immunoassays and high-throughput technologies that help researchers (i) investigate B cell responses to infectious agents and autoimmune diseases, (ii) quantitate antigen-specific antibodies, (iii) measure multiple cytokines and other markers, and (iv) assess binding kinetics/affinity for antibody-antigen interactions and many other molecular interactions.

Services by the ACS core: The four services that will be offered by the ACS core are (i) the supply of viral recombinant antigens (including biotin-labelled antigens) and B-cell tetramers to investigate B cell responses to infectious agents, (ii) the detection and quantitation of antigen-specific antibodies by cytometric bead array (CBA) immunoassays, (iii) multiplex detection and measurement of cytokines and other markers by Luminex® xMAP® technology, and (iv) high-throughput analysis of biomolecular interactions using the Alto surface plasmon resonance system.

Core personnel: Davide Botta (Supervisor) dbotta@uab.edu and Fen Zhou (Specialist) fzhou@uab.edu 
                            Davide Botta                      Fen Zhou 2

Core location: SHEL 571

Instrument used for the detection and quantitation of antigen-specific antibodies by cytometric bead array (CBA) immunoassays: CytoFLEX (Beckman Coulter)

Instruments used for multiplexing detection and measurement of cytokines and other markers: MagPix and LX200 (Luminex)
                            Luminex 200 Luminex MagPix

Instrument used for high-throughput analysis of biomolecular interactions - the Alto surface plasmon resonance system (Nicoya)

Other photos of the ACS core
                            Other ACS core photos 2 Other ACS core photos 1

Fee schedule