I have an offer letter from my UAB host/department inviting me to UAB. Does this clear me to research/observe at UAB?
No. If you’re a visiting scholar, you must receive clearance and an official UAB offer letter from The IVS Office. A departmental offer letter does not clear you to participate in research or an observership at UAB.
If I’m not working in the School of Medicine, do I still need to go through the International Visiting Scholar Process?
Yes. The International Visiting Scholar Program is a campuswide program. If you meet the criteria for an international visiting scholar on our home page, then you must go through UAB’s IVS admissions process.
I’m a US Citizen. Do I still need to go through the International visiting scholar process?
If you are an international medical graduate, then yes, you must receive an offer letter and the proper clearances from The IVS Office.
Do I need to provide confirmation of purchased health insurance or my visa with my application packet, or can I submit this at a later date?
You must provide proof of purchased health insurance, that meets the minimum guidelines, and proof your visa, prior to your opportunity start date at UAB. You do not need to provide this with your completed application packet. You will not be cleared to begin your IVS opportunity at UAB without this documentation.
Do you provide housing for international visiting scholars?
No, the visiting scholar is responsible for locating and paying for lodging for the duration of their opportunity at UAB.
How do I obtain my UAB ID/One Card?
Your department HR will assist you with obtaining your blazer ID/email address and UAB Badge.
Will your office help me obtain my DS-2019 and visa?
No, UAB International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) will assist you with obtaining your DS-2019 for a J-1 visa once your UAB offer letter has been finalized and signed. The IVS Office is responsible for processing your international visiting scholar application, ensuring you have received the proper clearances to participate in your opportunity at UAB, and producing your UAB offer letter.
How do I know when I’m cleared to begin my opportunity?
The visiting scholar will receive an email from The IVS Office informing the scholar and department HR that they are cleared to begin their opportunity. A visiting scholar is not cleared to begin their opportunity, regardless of the start date on the offer letter, until cleared by the IVS Office.
Where do I report for my opportunity, what do I wear, and what are the expectations?
Your department HR will assist in answering all these questions for you.
What is my title at UAB through this program?
You are considered a Visiting Scholar. You are not classified as a postdoc, research fellow, resident, research assistant, or any verbiage that deviates from Visiting Scholar.
The research I will be participating in is remote/virtual, do I still need to go through UAB’s IVS admissions process?
Yes! Any affiliation with UAB, even if remote, must be documented and cleared through the proper channels. If you meet the criteria for UAB’s IVS process, you must go through the IVS Admissions process.