Program Overview
- Visiting scholars will be able to both observe and perform research in this opportunity
- Up to one year duration
- Visiting scholars in this opportunity will be classified as one of the following:
UAB 60 (Volunteer) HR Assignment Category
UAB 02 (Temporary) HR Assignment Category
UAB 04 (Irregular) HR Assignment Category
Please note, research scholars classified as a UAB HR Assignment Category, 02 (Temporary), may not extend their research past one year, under this assignment category. If you’re a 02 (Temporary) research scholar, you must transition to either a 04 (Irregular) or 60 (Volunteer), if you’re looking to research for more than one year at UAB.
The UAB Host Form and IVS Application Packet (with all required documents) must be submitted to the UAB IVS Office at least 4 months prior to the research opportunity begin date, to provide time to process the IVS application, obtain necessary clearance, and produce the offer letter while abiding by UAB International Student & Scholar Services’ 3-month policy, for visa processing times.
A non-refundable application fee of $350 is required upon submission and must be received along with your application. Please note that payment of this fee does not guarantee acceptance into the IVS program.
Your application fee is valid for 6 months, from the date of payment.
All requests (including both the UAB host form and IVS application packet) submitted with 14 weeks’ notice or less will incur an additional $75 expedited processing fee that must be paid by the UAB Host/Department sponsoring the visiting scholar.
UAB Faculty Host
To begin the process, the UAB Faculty must complete the host form linked below. Once complete, please send the form to the IVS Office at
International Visiting Scholar Observer & Researcher
Visiting Scholars will need to provide the following documentation to the IVS Office at prior to their application being reviewed and processed.
Completed International Visiting Scholar Observership Application Packet
- The packet includes the following pages:
- International Visiting Scholar Clinical Application
- Proof of Major Medical Insurance
- Financial Responsibility Statement
- Observer Orientation Manual
- Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement
- Bloodborne Pathogen/Aseptic Technique
- Confidentiality Agreement Form
- UAB Enterprise Code of Conduct
- The packet includes the following pages:
Payment of the non-refundable international visiting scholar application fee of $350
Copy of the Biographical page of your passport
Updated CV/Resume
Copy of your Medical Diploma or certificate of highest degree achieved (Original and in English)
Verification of funds from a personal bank statement and/or financial scholarship to support you while in the U.S. (You must show proof of a minimum of $2,000 per month of your opportunity).
- Please note, if your UAB Faculty is paying you a stipend for your research of more than $2,000 per month, you do not need to show any additional proof of funding.
- If you’re receiving an international scholarship, please ensure this document outlines how much you will be paid, as well as what months you are approved to participate in your research opportunity at UAB. Please note, the dates listed within your scholarship must match your UAB Offer Letter.
Proof of English Language proficiency (Must be one of the listed accepted documents)
If the visiting scholar needs to obtain a J-1 visa for research, the visiting scholar and department HR will be working closely with UAB International Student & Scholar Services to ensure all visa requirements are met.
Please see UAB ISSS Website for additional information
UAB ISSS must receive all documents for a J-1 Research Scholar, including the UAB IVS Signed Offer Letter, at least three (3) months prior to the opportunity start date. Please note, the visiting scholar is subject to additional delays due to visa processing times.
A non-refundable application fee of $350 is required upon submission and must be received along with your application. Please note that payment of this fee does not guarantee acceptance into the program. The application fee can be paid using a major credit card or via bank wire transfer.
Your application fee is valid for 6 months, from the date of payment.
If the UAB Host/Department wishes to cover the non-refundable $350 application fee for the visiting scholar, please complete the Department/Division Agreement below and initiate a Journal Transfer to IME using the instructions provided.
Please submit proof of the fully approved journal transfer, along with the finalized Department/Division Agreement, to the IVS Office at
All requests (including the UAB host form and IVS application packet) submitted with 14 weeks’ notice or less will incur an additional $75 expedited processing fee that must be paid by the UAB Host/Department sponsoring the visiting scholar.
If your request is needing to be expedited, please complete the Expedited Fee Department Agreement” below and submit to
UAB Department/Division Agreement Journal Transfer Instructions Expedited Fee Department Agreement
Once the IVS application has been processed, all clearances have been obtained, and the IVS offer letter has been produced, the IVS offer letter will be sent by the IVS Office to the visiting scholar and UAB host via Adobe to sign. Once the offer letter has been signed by all parties, the IVS Office will send the visiting scholar an email with a list of clearance items needed, prior to the visiting scholar being cleared to begin their opportunity at UAB.
Additional items needed prior to the start date of your opportunity:
Proof of health insurance coverage that will be bought by the start date of your opportunity at UAB and meets the minimum guidelines as outlined by UAB policy
Copy of Visa, OPT, and/or EAD once obtained
Details of your lodging for the duration of your opportunity at UAB, including your address and US telephone number. Send to
Provide the Medical Clearance Packet and all packet requirements to UAB Occupational Health at ( Your email subject line to UAB Occupational Health should read: “International Visiting Scholar / UAB Faculty Host Name”.
Please note the following within the Medical Clearance Packet:
You must provide proof of physical exam performed by physician/provider in home country or U.S. within 1 year of opportunity start date. UAB Occupational Health will not perform the physical exam.
Immunization records: Vaccinations must be verified by physician or clinician.
Upon arrival to Birmingham, AL, a TB Chest X-ray will be performed on first day – Fee paid by the visiting scholar.
UAB HIPPA Training Completion
Please send an email to Ms. Tara Updike ( as follows:
Subject Line – International Visiting Scholar Request for HIPPA Training, include your name and email address
Send your HIPPA training completion to when received.
You may apply to extend your research opportunity at UAB. To begin this application process, please have the UAB host complete the host form linked below, at least two months prior to your initial research opportunity end date. The UAB host will also need to submit a research progress note outlining why a research extension is needed for the visiting scholar and what additional tasks/skills the visiting scholar will learn/utilize during their research extension. Please submit this documentation to
International Visiting Researchers will need to supply the following documents for a research extension:
Updated International Visiting Scholar Non-Clinical Application Packet
Proof of payment of another non-refundable $350 application fee
A copy of your health insurance, outlining this has been extended to cover your new opportunity dates at UAB.
- Verification of funds from a personal bank statement and/or financial scholarship to support you while in the U.S. (You must show proof of a minimum of $2,000 per month of your opportunity).
- Please note, if your UAB Faculty is paying you a stipend for your research of more than $2,000 per month, you do not need to show any additional proof of funding.
Prior to Beginning Your Opportunity
Once the IVS Office receives all clearance items, it will email the department HR, UAB ISSS, and the visiting scholar, informing all parties that the visiting scholar is cleared to begin their opportunity.
The visiting scholar is prohibited from beginning their opportunity at UAB, regardless of the start date listed on the offer letter, until the IVS office fully clears them to begin.
The UAB department HR will assist the visiting scholar in obtaining their UAB Badge, setting up their email address, and providing any additional expectations of their IVS opportunity at UAB.
Applicants should not travel to or arrive at UAB until you have received notification to come to UAB by the IVS Office. The IVS Office does not provide housing and is not responsible for any travel accommodations needing to be changed.
As Your Opportunity Concludes
International Visiting Scholars
Please return your UAB ID/Badge to the IVS Office, 201 Volker Hall, at the conclusion of your opportunity at UAB
The IVS Office will send you an exit survey for you to complete, outlining your experiences at UAB. Please complete this survey, within 5 business days of being sent to you.
Department HR
The IVS Office will send you an IVS Program checklist to utilize for your visiting scholar. Please ensure all items are completed on this checklist and return to the IVS Office at within 5 business days of the visiting scholar’s end date at UAB.
Please ensure the IVS Office is notified of any/all changes in any visiting scholar opportunity at UAB, including but not limited to, if a visiting scholar leaves or resigns prior to their opportunity end date, termination of a visiting scholar, change in opportunity dates, etc.