Student-structured international clinical electives allow medical students to play an active role in structuring their international medicine training experience.
Process and Next Steps
Students must complete the following steps for approval to travel for credit:
Finalize academic approval of course with Dr. Kevin Leon. This will require creating either a Special Topic or a Clinical Elective.
Follow UAB Education Abroad procedures to register travel. This will require completing the Pre-Departure Certification and International Travel Registration.
If your travel location is considered a high-risk location, you will also need to complete the Pre-Departure Certification for High-Risk Destinations. Please note: High-risk locations are defined as the following:
All areas throughout a country with a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Travel Health Notice Level 3 (Warning) designation
All areas throughout a country with a U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 3 (Reconsider travel) designation
All areas throughout a country with a U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 4 (Do not travel) designation
All areas identified as “Do not travel to” or “Reconsider travel” in a country with an overall U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 2 (Exercise increased caution) designation
Contact UAB Education Abroad representative, Mason Thompson.
Send a copy of Education Abroad approval; dates of travel; physical address you will be staying; and name and number of emergency contact in the U.S. to RDGH@uab.edu
Please note: UAB IME will review your submission and will provide the final approval. Students are not cleared to travel for UAB until all the above steps have been completed and confirmed with UAB IME. Students who do not complete all steps will not be able to travel for UAB business and unable to receive credit for their international course(s).