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Because NF1 is an unpredictable disorder, it varies widely in severity – even among two people in the same family. Some people with NF1 may be completely unaware that they are affected, experiencing only a few café-au-lait spots and bumps on the skin during their lifetime. Others may develop, at any time, specific medical and cosmetic complications related to the disorder.

While this variability makes it difficult to know what to expect for a child with only café-au-lait spots, it’s important to understand the following points about complications related to NF1.

  • Severe complications are not inevitable. Although the medical literature highlights the more severe cases of the disorder, this occurs in part because only the more severely affected people are likely to be reported to the medical community. For every severely affected person who comes to medical attention, there may be several mildly affected people who do not seek medical care.
  • Some complications appear early in life. Major bone deformities associated with the disorder are usually apparent in infancy. A child who is five years old and has only café-au-lait spots has escaped some severe complications. While many people will experience some cosmetic impact from the condition, these problems are typically possible to manage.
  • Virtually no individual with NF1 gets every possible complication, and most of the severe complications are uncommon. The definition of a severe problem may be different from one person to the next; however, most people with NF1 live long and productive lives free of life-threatening complications.