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Doctor holding and looking patient bone x-ray film before surgery. MRI and CT scan examining at radiology orthopedic unit in hospital. Knee joint x-ray for treatment

The trauma surgery fellowship program offers a single, 12-month fellowship. Based out of Alabama's only ACS-certified Level I Trauma Center, this training program offers fellows a broad experience with pelvic/acetabular fracture, periarticular reconstruction, and management of poly-traumatized patients. Working with 3 trauma-trained surgeons, fellows will also have ample opportunity to evaluate and treat patients with nonunions and malunions, using multiple reconstructive techniques including the Ilizarov method.

Orthopaedic trauma fellows spend 3 four-month block rotations with each faculty. This academic schedule gives fellows an average of three to four days in the operating room and one day of clinic and research time each week. In addition, fellows attend the weekly fracture conference, grand rounds, and are asked to complete one publishable research project prior to graduation. During their time at UAB fellows will enjoy a process of graduated autonomy in both the operating room and the clinic.

View our Fellows

Interested applicants should contact the Program Coordinator, Rebecca Kuykendall at rikuykendall@uabmc.edu.