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GI Fellows Web

Our fellowship program is designed to provide subspecialty residents in gastroenterology with the background and experience to diagnose and manage patients with acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system (esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas), including those that are life threatening, and to conduct research in this specialized field. Residents will be guided in developing clinical judgment and procedural skills and in acquiring medical knowledge, humanistic qualities, and professional attitudes and behaviors that are appropriate for the pediatric gastroenterologist.

The goals of this program include developing decision making skills in cost-effective, efficient evaluation and management of a wide variety of presenting complaints; to train and develop skills in appropriate laboratory testing, procedures including indications, preparation, techniques and interpretations; and provide mentoring and opportunities for clinical or laboratory based research.

Our clinical curriculum involves broadly based experience with a wide range of pediatric patients having gastrointestinal problems. The patient population is sufficiently varied and complex diseases and volume ensure that residents have the opportunity to become clinically competent in the management of common as well as uncommon gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, and pancreatic diseases in patients ranging from infancy through young adulthood. A strength of our program is that the subspecialty residents have their own set of patients that they follow continuously in clinic with rotating attendings, rather than rotating through clinics and seeing the patients of attendings.  They have ongoing responsibility for the continuing care of patients with chronic gastrointestinal problems and have opportunities to provide consultation on a wide variety of patients to become familiar with the gastrointestinal manifestations of a broad spectrum of pediatric illnesses.   

Program Overview

Our Team

Program Director
David Galloway, M.D.

David Galloway, M.D.


Assistant Program Director
Diana Montoya Melo, M.D.

Diana Montoya Melo, M.D.


Program Coordinator
Bonnie Hawkins

Bonnie Hawkins
