A Department of Pediatrics HSF clinical faculty track (CFT) promotion committee, comprised of senior clinical faculty members, has been selected by the HSF faculty to review promotion applications and provide guidance to those on the CFT.
The Committee consists of seven members. Four at-large Associate Professors (3+ years in rank) and/or Professors are selected by the Pediatric HSF faculty. The Pediatric Vice Chair for Clinical Services, Children's of Alabama Chief Medical Officer, and Director of Pediatric Faculty Development serve as the three (3) appointed voting committee members. The seven members will elect a chair. At-Large members will serve a term of four years and may be reelected. Only one member of a division can be elected at any one time for the four at-large positions.
2016-2020 CFT Promotions Committee representatives are:
Cason Benton, M.D., at-large
Drew Davis, M.D., at-large
Jose Mestre, M.D., at-large
Annalise Sorrentino, M.D., at-large
Peter Glaeser, M.D., Pediatric Vice Chair for Clinical Services
Tony Fargason, M.D., Children's of Alabama Chief Medical Officer
Tina Simpson, M.D., Director of Pediatric Faculty Development
CFT Guidelines can be found on the DOP Faculty Promotion and Tenure website and can be accessed by clicking here.