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Helpful Hints for Junior Faculty

  1. Maintain Your CV – Keep it up-to-date in the required format. Standard CV Template.

  2. Create Portfolios – Begin immediately, as soon as you are “on board”, to create and maintain portfolios for teaching, research and service. Document concurrently everything that you do – all activities. The Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (APT) “package” should be built over several years. See 2020 SOM Promotion/Tenure Instructions.

  3. Developing your Clinical Portfolio video presentation. (9/28/2018)

  4. Critique APT Package – Have your APT “package” critiqued by several faculty members prior to submitting to the Department of Pediatrics Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee and incorporate changes as needed.

  5. Internal Resources - The Office of Faculty Development is available to assist you with your CV, career development, and/or your APT Package. The internal APTC members are also available to help.

Promotion-Tenure Award Information

HR FORMS and Instructions

Seminars & Resources

Pediatric Clinical (HSF Only) Faculty Guidelines

DOP HSF Clinical Faculty Track Guidelines (CFT)

2016-2020 CFT Promotions Committee representatives are: 

Peter Glaeser, M.D., Professor and Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Vice Chair for Clinical Services, CFT Committee Chair

Tina Simpson, M.D., Professor, Adolescent Medicine, Director of Pediatric Faculty Development

Tony Fargason, M.D., Professor, Children's of Alabama Chief Medical Officer

Cason Benton, M.D., Associate Professor, Academic General Pediatrics, at-large

Drew Davis, M.D., Professor and Director, Rehab Medicine, at-large

Jose Mestre, M.D., Professor, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, at-large

Annalise Sorrentino, M.D., Professor, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, at-large

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