The Pediatric Research Office (PRO) supports those conducting pediatric research at Children's of Alabama by providing expertise and connections to resources. For assistance or to learn more, please contact Cheryl Perry, PhD, PRO Administrative Director.
Requesting Clinical Research Data
Pediatric Faculty Expertise Database
Funding Opportunities
Financial Information, Forms and Budgets
Proposal Development and Boilerplate
Conducting Research at Children's of Alabama
About the Pediatric Research Office
Requesting Clinical Research Data
For clinical research data requests, please contact Eric Macomb, the PRO Informaticist. He will work with the COA Portal to ensure that your request is handled in a timely manner.
Pediatric Faculty Expertise Database
The PRO maintains a Pediatric Faculty Expertise Database that includes DOP faculty information on scholarly and/or research interests; interest in mentoring students, residents, fellows and post-docs; and research involvement as measured by number of publications and current funding. It is updated annually and was last updated during the Fall of 2024. The database is stored on a password-protected UAB SharePoint site and log in requires use of your UAB BlazerID, password, and DUO authentication. Questions? Contact Melissa McBrayer.
If you are interested in looking for research or collaborators at UAB, but outside of the Department of Pediatrics, visit Scholars@UAB.
Funding Opportunities
Internal Funding Opportunities
Federal Funding Opportunities allows organizations and individuals to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies. Visit UAB's Office of Research - Find Funding page for more information and links.
Pivot-RP Global Search for Funding Opportunities
Track and share funding opportunities, save searches, get automatic alerts, edit your profile, view groups and more. Access Pivot-RP by using "log in from my institution" drop-down and selected University of Alabama at Birmingham. Then enter your BlazerID and strong password. Finally,create your Pivot account.
Financial Information, Forms and Budgets
UAB Information
UAB Researcher's Toolkit is a one-stop resource from the UAB Office of Research for all research application needs.
UAB OSP Submissions Requirements (effective 1/1/2020) and OSP Deadline Calculator - add 5 business days for DOP (see below for DOP Submission Requirements)
UAB Study Management Fees Memo for industry-funded clinical trials
UAB Fees for Industry-Funded Clinical Trial Budgets Memo (effective January 1, 2024)
Information Specific to the Department of Pediatrics
The Department of Pediatrics Finance Office staff provide assistance to faculty for pre and post-award activities. A quick reference list is provided for convenience.
DOP Industry Negotiation Flowchart: The UAB Extramural Checklist and the Responsible Personnel List should be completed by the financial officer assigned to your DOP division or PI.
DOP Submission Requirements are completed before the UAB OSP Submission.
- All proposals and supporting documents must be sent to no later than 8am 10 full business days prior to the sponsor's deadline.
- Please use PI name, Funding agency, Sponsor due date and Time in subject line of email.
DOP 4% Fee Policy for industry-funded clinical trial budgets.
Table of Contacts for Clinical Research Prices used in DOP budget development.
Form to Request Prices from Children's of Alabama (email to Pam Barlow of COA)
Cognizant's Shared Investigator Platform (SIP)
SIP may be used by industry sponsors to advance research projects. As instructed by the UAB Clinical Trials Administration Office, the Department of Pediatrics has a profile developed with UAB information. Additional guidance for getting started with SIP is available here.
Which facility do I choose for my user profile?
University of Alabama at Birmingham - School of Medicine
FC092220182020022711 -
Which department do I choose for my user profile?
Do not develop a new UAB facility or Pediatrics department profile in SIP. If you need to add information to the Pediatric departmental profile, please send a request to Melissa McBrayer. Do not develop a SIP profile for Children’s of Alabama. Research at Children’s of Alabama is conducted by UAB faculty and staff under legal agreements and regulatory oversight of UAB (Office of Sponsored Programs, Institutional Review Board, etc.). Children’s of Alabama is a performance site and not the entity with whom industry sponsors have legal agreement.
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Proposal Development and Boilerplate
Pediatric Research-related Boilerplate Information appropriate for cut-and-paste into resource documents. Updated annually.
Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) Established in 2008 and funded by a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (National Institutes of Health grant UL1TR003096), the CCTS is one of more than 50 CTSA programs nationwide and the only CTSA in Alabama. Visit the CCTS for training, reseach implementation, and grant-writing resources such as the Grant-Writing Intensive (GRIT).
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Conducting Research at Children's of Alabama
Children's of Alabama implemented Epic as its electronic medical record effective March 4, 2023.
New Research Coordinator? The following links are helpful for getting started using Epic as an RC.
Study Start-up Tip Sheet. Use when a new IRB-approved study needs to be added to Epic (COA portal entry).
Billing Calendar Template. Required submission to Children's billing group (Westerkamp) at time study record creation -see Study Start-up Tip Sheet for instructions.
COA Research Preregistration form (updated 2.01.25) use is ongoing. One form per visit with a research clinical billable; route to all listed emails.
Epic Tip Sheet: EpicCare Link for study monitor access. Instructions for monitors are included.
Additional Epic Tip sheets for are available via F1 when logged in to Epic.
Epic Access for Research
Complete/submit the following. Questions? Email Melissa.
IT Remote Access form
Security access request form:
COA Non-Employee Affiliate Account request form:
COA Researcher Project Provisioning form.
COA Investigational Pharmacy
Study drug? Review and complete the release form. Contact Children's of Alabama's Investigational Pharmacist with questions.
Compassionate Use Agreements
PIs considering a compassionate use agreement must first email Nancy Corona of COA.
UAB OnCore and Clinical Billing Review (CBR) Fiscal Approval Process
Protocols that contain UAB Health System clinical billables will require CBR review for the Fiscal Approval Process (FAP) and an OnCore calendar may be needed.
Complete the information, as applicable, in the REDcap form found here. This form contains questions that were formerly submitted via the CBR workbook, the Oncore Calendar Services REDCap request form, and the CCTS Clinical Support Registration form.
Department of Pediatrics' clinical billables (e.g. professional read fees for EKG, EEG; Simon Sedation physicians; echocardiography for research, etc.) will continue to be processed through the Pediatric Business Office (see COA Research Pre-Registration Form for instruction).
Other helps for Clinical Reseach Coordinators
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Library Use template SOPs (drafts) and tailor for your research area.
Need IRB consent forms in Spanish? Email for latest information on UAB-approved translation contractors.
About the Pediatric Research Office (PRO)
The UAB Department of Pediatrics established the Pediatric Research Office (PRO) in 2015 to renew its commitment to the generation of new knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment, and sequelae of pediatric diseases. Building upon a tradition of accomplishment illustrated by consistent rankings within the top 20 (and often top 10) of pediatric departments in terms of NIH research funding, the PRO seeks to “lower the energy of activation” in the design, conduct, and analysis of research conducted within Children’s of Alabama. This allows our physician-scientists to focus on the science of the research while relying on the highly skilled PRO staff to assist with the regulatory, biostatistical, data management, and other components key to the successful conduct of pediatric investigation (described below). By providing this support, the PRO accelerates our research to go farther faster, enhancing the overall funding prospects for pediatric research at UAB, and thus expanding medical options for the children of Alabama and beyond.
David W. Kimberlin, MD
Vice Chair for Clinical and Translational Research, Department of Pediatrics
Cheryl Perry, PhD, PRO Administrative Director. Triages requests for assistance related to grant development, biostatistics, data needs, and regulatory assistance; edits applications for consistency and accuracy; reviews Child Health Research Unit applications for use of the Unit and serves as back-up for scheduling and management; and develops and negotiates industry budgets and budget amendments. Contact Cheryl Perry by email or phone (205-638-2590) initially for any PRO requests.
Susan Branscum, Clinical Trials Administrator (Regulatory). Provides consultation and assistance with IRB applications and regulatory documents.
Shelia Coleman, Grants Administrator. Supports faculty with pre-award grant submission activities and Research Performance Progress Reports.
Eric Macomb, Informatics. Supports data retrieval from data warehouse or clinical programs for feasibility assessments, preliminary data, research protocols, etc. and ensures proper oversight of data requests for research; and provides data visualization needed for research publications.
Melissa McBrayer, Research and Training. Consults on the development of research and career development applications; assists research study coordinators and teams with COA research processes/EPIC, OnCore/CBR procedures, SIP and other research-related tasks; schedules and manages the Child Health Research Unit.
Emily Mixon, Data Management. Provides consultation and assistance with data collection and database development and management (TeleForm, SAS, EpiInfo, REDCap), data analysis and modeling, and also facilitates training in these areas.
Fazlur Rahman, PhD, Associate Professor of Biostatistics. Provides assistance with sample size assessment, study design, biostatistical analysis planning, DSMB reports, final analyses at end of study, and final study report generation.