Explore UAB

industry researchThe University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) continues to build on its research portfolio. In addition to research funded through entities like the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Defense, and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, PM&R is partnering with industry to research potential solutions to healthcare needs.

Vu Nguyen, M.D., MBA, Professor and Chair of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in UAB’s Heersink School of Medicine, is leading PM&R’s efforts in a multicenter study to Investigate a treatment option for adults with lower limb spasticity caused by stroke or traumatic brain injury. The research is funded by Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA.

Associate Professor Xiaohua Zhou, M.D. is leading the department's efforts in a study funded by Ipsen, a French biopharmaceutical company. This multicenter study is evaluating and comparing Ipsen’s Dysport to Botox in the treatment of adults with upper limb spasticity.

Finally, Assistant Professor Cassandra Buchanan Renfro, D.O. is leading PM&R’s efforts in a study of ExaStim® developed by ANEUVO. In combination with rehabilitation, research for ExaStim is focusing on the non-invasive neuromodulation system’s ability to help patients with spinal cord injury recover lost function.

“The UAB Department of PM&R offers a great opportunity for industry research,” says Professor Yuying Chen, M.D., Ph.D., Vice Chair of PM&R Research. “Dr. Nguyen has provided the vision and support that has led to significant growth over the last few years in the quantities and qualities of industry-sponsored trials.”

Moving forward, Chen is excited about PM&R’s potential to further expand industry partnerships in research and development.

“Industry trials provide a great opportunity for our physiatrists to engage in research and be at the forefront of assessing new discoveries for medical care. It also benefits our patients with more options for health improvement and management,” adds Chen.