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The UAB-SCIMS offers a series of Fact Sheets on selected topics related to SCI. Some Fact Sheets are products of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury Model System (UAB-SCIMS). Others are developed by the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center and provide useful health information that is based on research evidence and/or professional consensus and has been reviewed and approved by the SCI Model Systems editorial team of experts. All fact sheets are written for consumers.

All Fact Sheets are free to print and disseminate for educational purposes.

Understanding Spinal Cord Injury: Part 1 - The Body Before and After Injury
This fact sheet is intended to be a starting point for understanding the normal functions of the spinal cord and how those functions might change after spinal cord injury. (Entendiendo la lesión medular: Parte 1—El cuerpo antes y después de la lesión)

Understanding Spinal Cord Injury: Part 2 - Recovery and Rehabilitation
Recovery and Rehabilitation is important to returning to functioning back to normal. There is no cure for SCI but you can learn the potential areas for improvement. (Comprender la lesión de la médula espinal, Parte 2—Recuperación y Rehabilitación)

Adjusting to Life after Spinal Cord Injury
Most people adjust well to life after SCI. This fact sheet outlines what adjusting well looks like, what difficulty with adjustment looks like, and offers insight into other common areas of adjustment. (Adaptarse a la vida)

Personal Care Attendants and Spinal Cord Injury
This fact sheet offers suggestions on finding, interviewing, funding, and managing a personal care attendant. (en español)

Autonomic Dysreflexia
Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) is a medical condition that can lead to serious stroke, seizure, organ damage, permanent brain injury, or even death if not treated immediately. This fact sheet will help you better understand AD and prepare you for what to do if you get it. Has a medical treatment card to print a carry in case of emergency. (Disreflexia autonómica)

Surgical and Reconstructive Treatment of Pressure Injuries
his fact sheet offers a basic understanding about surgical and reconstructive treatment of pressure injuries. (Tratamiento quirúrgico y reconstructivo de Lesiones por presión)

Bladder Management
Learn about the problems caused by your injury and the strategies used to help you manage bladder problems. (Manejo de la vejiga)

Surgical Alternatives for Bladder Management following Spinal Cord Injury
Learn how surgery can be used to help manage bladder problems if nonsurgical approaches do not work. (en español)

Urinary Tract Infection and Spinal Cord Injury
UTI is one of the most common medical problems after SCI. Learn more about your risk for UTI, how to best prevent it, and what to do if you get it. (Infección del tracto urinario)

Aging & SCI
This factsheet describes some of the changes you may experience as you get older. It lists ways to care for your health as you age with a spinal cord injury. (Envejecimiento y LME)

Bowel Management
Bowel management is a life-long balancing act to maintain control over your bowel movements. This fact sheet will help you find that balance to maintain your quality of life. (Gestión de la función intestinal)

Sexuality and Sexual Function after Spinal Cord Injury (PDF)
Written for both men an women with SCI, this fact sheet discusses the impact of SCI on sexuality, dating, sexual arousal, orgasm, fertility, and relationships.  (en español)

Pregnancy and Women with Spinal Cord Injury (PDF)
Learn how to prepare for pregnancy, labor and delivery after a spinal cord injury. (en español)

Driving after Spinal Cord Injury
Learn about resources and steps you can take to help you return to driving after your spinal cord injury (SCI). (en español)

Nutrition and Spinal Cord Injury
Keys to good health start with understanding nutrition and following a healthy, nutritious diet. This factsheet provides insight into the impact of nutrition on health, wellness, daily activities and overall quality of life after spinal cord injury

Exercise & Fitness after SCI
People with SCI can and should be physically active, and your health will benefit from regular exercise after SCI. Learn about stretching, aerobic exercise, strength training, setting goals, recognizing potential barriers, being prepared, and about resources that can help you have a successful exercise program. (Ejercicio y estado físico después de una LME)

Adaptive Sports and Recreation
This fact sheet is discusses the importance of adaptive sports and recreation, how To get involved, types of adaptive sports participation, and resources. (Adaptados y las actividades recreativas)

Respiratory Health and Spinal Cord Injury (PDF)
The respiratory system changes after spinal cord injury. Learn how those changes may impact health, and how you can better manage your health. - (en español)

Employment after Spinal Cord Injury
Most people with spinal cord injuries (SCI) want to work. Learn more about the resources and services available. (Empleo después de sufrir una LME)

Skin Care and Pressure Sores
This factsheet series with important information regarding pressure sores, including prevention, risk factors, and treatment options. Pressure Sore Illustrations.

  1. Causes & Risks (PDF) (en español)
  2. Prevention (PDF) (en español)
  3. Pressure Reliefs (PDF) (en español)
  4. Building Skin Tolerance (PDF) (en español)
  5. Areas at High Risk (PDF) (en español)
  6. Recognizing and Treating Pressure Sores (PDF) (en español)
  7. Surgical and Reconstructive Treatment of Pressure Injuries (PDF) (en español)

Pain Management
Pain is a serious problem for many people with spinal cord injuries. Learn more about options for pain management. (Manejo del dolor después de una LME)

Depression affects millions of Americans, including those with SCI. Learn more about resources and treatment options. (Depresión y LME)

Safe Transfer Technique (PDF)
Transferring in and out of your wheelchair puts high stress on your arms and shoulders. Learn the correct way to transfer. (en español)

The Wheelchair Series: What the SCI Consumer Needs to Know
These 4 factsheets include important information to help you find a wheelchair that truly meets your needs.

  1. Getting the Right Wheelchair (PDF) (en español)
  2. The Manual Wheelchair (PDF) (en español)
  3. The Power Wheelchair (PDF) (en español)
  4. Maintenance Guide for Users of Manual and Power Wheelchairs (PDF)

Spasticity and Spinal Cord Injury (PDF)
Learn more about spasticity causes, management, and treatment options. (en español)

Gait Training and Spinal Cord Injury
Gait training is practicing walking with assistive devices, braces and other types of support as needed. (Entrenar para volver a caminar y LME)

Opioids and SCI
This factsheet explains how opioids can affect your health after a spinal cord injury (SCI). It also describes problems to watch for if you take opioids for any reason. (Opioides y su Salud)

Bone Loss After SCI
This factsheet explains why bone loss happens to people with SCI, the risks for bone fracture, and how bone fractures can cause other health problems. The factsheet outlines the ways to treat bone loss and minimize the risk of having a fracture. (Pérdida ósea tras una lesión de la médula espinal)

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The University of Alabama at Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury Model System provides this website as an auxiliary resource for the primary care of patients with spinal cord injury.The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90SIMS0020). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this website do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.