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Dr. Raoud MarayatiDr. Raoud Marayati

General surgery research resident Raoud Marayati, M.D., was recently awarded a $400 travel grant from the UAB Graduate Student Government to attend the 2019 American Pediatric Surgery Association annual meeting this summer, where she will present her research project, “PIM Kinases Mediate Cisplatin Resistance in Hepatoblastoma.”

This national pediatric surgery conference, which will be held May 19-22 in Boston, Massachusetts, marks the 50th anniversary of APSA.

Marayati also recently won the Best Abstract Award in Basic and Translational Research at the 2019 UAB Pediatric Science Day, held March 21 at Children’s of Alabama. Read more about Marayati's Pediatric Science Day award here.

Note: This story was updated on April 12, 2019.