Jim Bakken

Jim Bakken

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jimb@uab.edu • (205) 934-3887
Chief Communications Officer, Public Relations 

As chief communications officer for the University of Alabama at Birmingham and UAB Medicine, Bakken leads teams that set and execute internal and external communications strategy. Prior to joining UAB in 2012, Bakken spent a decade working with a diverse client base at two full-service communications firms. Bakken spent eight years in Nashville at McNeely Pigott and Fox – one of the largest PR firms in the Southeast – prior to launching Peritus Public Relations in Birmingham in 2010. Bakken has served on the board of the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations, is accredited by the Public Relations Society of America and has been a Birmingham Business Journal Top 40 Under 40 honoree.

Forty-three students were presented with white coats.

Thomas DiLorenzo, Ph.D., will transition from his post as dean of the UAB College of Arts and Sciences to a new role at UAB

McClintock’s book is based on his adventures and discoveries during 20 trips made while researching the White Continent.

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Despite 15 years of effectiveness, no one knows how DBS works, but UAB study offers new clues.

Whitley is the first recipient of a new award from the NIH.

UAB was one of only six universities tapped by the Council of Graduate Schools to study its practices.

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Check out the BEC's new dining option Sept. 20.

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