One UAB expert offers thoughts on the viral “sleepy girl mocktail.”
Cigarette smoking is associated with COPD, and each cigarette has 2 to 3 micrograms of cadmium.
Choose from student recitals, guest artists and faculty performances, including Yakov Kasman, DMA, with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, plus Amadeae Duo and the fifth annual PRISM Concert.
This initiative aims to alleviate the burden of tax preparation for those who qualify, contributing to financial well-being within the UAB community and beyond.
Grammy- and Emmy-winner Panion arranged and orchestrated the Blind Boys’ classic hits for this performance, featuring members of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra and a 300-person combined college choir.
A small blood donation can help UAB researchers and doctors learn how better to use immunology to treat disease.
UAB Student Media Director Jackie Alexander was inaugurated in November at the annual conference held in Atlanta, where UAB student media outlets were awarded top prizes.
After having a below-the-knee amputation, former SEC football player Ka’Darian Hill is using his story to motivate and inspire others.
“Refugees, Empathy, and Human Rights” is a nationwide traveling exhibition featuring contemporary portraits and poetic stories illustrating the challenges of refugees building new lives in the United States.
New eligibility requirements will help more Jefferson County residents seek care at Cooper Green.
Any woman can be at risk for any gynecologic cancer. Risk tends to increase with age, and there is always a heightened possibility of cancer due to family history or race.
UAB is in compliance with laws governing autopsies and notes important facts and context given the incorrect and misleading assertions that have circulated about autopsies performed for the Alabama Department of Corrections.
A UAB infectious diseases physician breaks down what you need to know about flu, RSV and COVID as people navigate colder months and have exposure to these viruses.
The regimen — which relies solely on already FDA-approved medications — showed remarkable success in Parsons model case series.
The affiliation between the UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center and Infirmary Cancer Care will bring NCI-designated comprehensive cancer care to the Gulf Coast region for the first time.
The event will take place during Creed Week, as students reflect on what it means to be a Blazer.
A UAB study evaluating the treatment of severe dyslipidemia showed that only one in three individuals with severe dyslipidemia took lipid-lowering medications without any improvement in the treatment rates over 10 years.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham College of Arts and Sciences is set to host its spring 2024 Haddin Forums.
The MyLupus app is a patient-friendly, patient-focused decision-aid tool for people from all backgrounds with moderate to severe lupus.
UAB physicians will provide multiple services to Lawson State athletes.