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The Metabolism Core was designed to provide state-of-the-art assessments of human energy expenditure, substrate metabolism, body composition, body fat distribution, and bone quality; to provide cost-effective, centralized analytical services to ongoing funded and pilot research projects; to promote multi-disciplinary research and training in clinical nutrition and obesity across the UAB campus; and to offer training, advice, and instruction to students, fellows, and investigators.


The Cost of Nutrition Sciences established the “Energy Metabolism Research Unit” (EMRU) in 1994 to provide a comprehensive assessment of human body composition, energy expenditure, and substrate metabolism. Services offered were body composition by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA); body volume/density by underwater weighting; free-living energy expenditure by doubly-labeled water; 24-h energy metabolism using whole-room indirect calorimetry; and resting and exercise energy metabolism by the portable metabolic monitor (indirect calorimetry). In 2000, the EMRU became the “Energy Metabolism / Body Composition Core” of the NIDDK-funded Clinical Nutrition Research Center (CNRC). During the 2005 CNRC renewal, the name was changed to the “Metabolism Core.” The DXA was updated to a wider scanning bed and a table that could accommodate patients up to 450 lbs. In 2011, the Metabolism Core continued under the newly funded Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC).

Services (Research only)

Energy Expenditure/Substrate Metabolism:

  • Total energy expenditure by doubly-labeled water
  • Resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry
  • 24-h energy expenditure by whole-room indirect calorimetry
  • Design consultation

Body Composition:

  • Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
  • Total body water by isotope dilution
  • Multi-compartment models
  • MRI/CT scan analysis

Exercise and Physical Activity:

  • Maximal and submaximal oxygen consumption during exercise
  • Strength testing
  • Functional testing
  • Accelerometry



DLW (IRMS analysis/calculations) $220 per patient
REE (core staff performs test) $100 per patient
REE (investigator performs test) $75 per patient
Room calorimeter $500 per patient
DXA $75 (whole-body)
$75 (hip and spine) per patient
Total body water (IRMS analysis /calculations) $60 per patient
MRI/CT scan analysis Based on slice number and location
Seca mBCA $15 per patient
Ultrasound $5 per day
VO2max $80 per patient
Submaximal exercise test $75 per patient
Strength testing $50 per patient
Functional testing $65 per patient
Accelerometry with data analysis (4 days) $50 per patient
Accelerometry without data analysis (4 days) $25 per patient

All Core users are asked to complete and submit a “Core Use Request Form” when applying for Core services. This form requests information concerning investigator funding, and the types and numbers of services requested.



Barbara A. Gower, PhD

Department of Nutrition Sciences

Robert Petri

Nutrition Sciences Research

Zhaojing Zeng

Scientist I
Nutrition Sciences Research

Heather Hunter

Scientist I
Nutrition Sciences Research

David Bryan

Clinical Research Coordinator III
Nutrition Obesity Research Center

Lia Puzzo

Nutrition Sciences Clinical Services



Barbara A. Gower, Ph.D.
Director, Metabolism Core

Department of Nutrition Sciences
School of Health Professions
Phone: (205) 934-4087
Email: bgower@uab.edu

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