The RN to BSN and RN to MSN Pathways are for registered nurses who want to further their education and have successfully completed an accredited diploma or associate degree nursing program and are licensed to practice as an RN in their home state.
Offered in a convenient distance-accessible format with a flexible curriculum model providing 3, 4 and 5-semester plans, the program of study focuses advanced nursing concepts, leadership and evidence-based practice.
The RN to MSN Pathway is for licensed RNs with a bachelor’s degree in a field other than nursing who want to further their education.
Apply NowTalk with our faculty and staff.
Next Open House: March 11, 2025
From 4 to 5 PM Central Time
Program Information
Information for Prospective RN-BSN Students
Students who transfer from another university or two-year community college and complete all foundation and prerequisite courses elsewhere, then apply first to UAB and then to the School of Nursing for the upper-division nursing major.
BSN foundational and general studies courses are the same as those taken by students who complete all course work at UAB.
Two separate applications are required: one to the university and the second to the School of Nursing.
Students in this option will be assigned a UAB Pre-Nursing Advisor who will assist them in determining eligibility for application into the upper-division nursing major.
Criteria for Applying to the RN to BSN Pathway
Individuals qualifying for transfer to UAB and apply for the RN to BSN Pathway include:
- Those with an Associate Degree or Diploma in Nursing (may apply for the RN to BSN Pathway).
- Those with a Bachelor’s Of Science or a Bachelor’s of Arts or higher from an accredited university; or
- Transferring from another university or two-year community college and have completed all foundation and nursing pre-requisite courses elsewhere.
Before Applying to UAB and the School of Nursing
- Interested RN-BSN applicants should send official or unofficial transcripts (school form) to
- Applicants interested in the RN-MSN pathway, please refer to the RN to MSN Pathway section below for specific application procedures to that pathway.
- Transcripts will be evaluated by School of Nursing (please allow a couple of weeks for processing).
- School of Nursing Student Success representative will set-up meeting or phone conference with applicant.
- Applicants must meet all criteria for admission to UAB and the program or pathway to which they apply.
- Applicants must apply to both UAB and the School of Nursing.
RN to BSN Pathway
- The RN to BSN Pathway is for registered nurses who have successfully completed an accredited diploma or associate degree nursing program, and are currently licensed as a registered nurse.
- Admission to the RN-BSN Pathway is available in the fall and spring terms.
- Designed for working registered nurses, coursework is offered in a distance accessible format that combines the delivery of course work using on-line technology with on-campus orientation.
- The curriculum consists of a total of 30 upper division nursing credit hours and the program of study can be individualized and is typically completed within three to five semesters.
- Students completing the RN-BSN Pathway will graduate with a BSN degree with at least 125 credit hours that includes: 59 credit hours of general studies and pre-nursing requirements; block credit of 36 credit hours for previous nursing coursework in an Associate Degree or Diploma Program; and 30 credits of upper division BSN coursework completed at UAB. The block credit is awarded at the beginning of the student's final semester in the RN-BSN Pathway.
RN to BSN Pathway Prerequisites
- Applicants to the RN to BSN must have successfully completed prerequisite course requirements that include general studies courses required for the baccalaureate degree as well as nursing foundation courses offered in an associate degree or diploma nursing program.
- Students may begin the RN to BSN Nursing courses if only 6 credits or less of the general studies requirements remain to be completed; all general studies courses must be completed prior to starting the third semester of course work.
- If you would like a review of your unofficial transcripts to determine if you have met RN-BSN pathway prerequisites requirements, please complete the RN-BSN Evaluation Request Form and submit the completed form and copies of all unofficial transcripts to the RN-BSN Program Manager by email at or by fax to 205.934.5490.
RN to BSN Prerequisite Course Requirements
Area I: Written Composition 6 hours total EH 101 English Composition I 3 EH 102 English Composition II 3 Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts 12 hours total Literature1 3 (or 6) Arts 3 Humanities 3 Area II Elective 3 Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics 11 hours total CH 105/106 Inorganic Chemistry 4 CH 107/108 Organic Chemistry2 4 MA 105 or 110 Pre-Calculus or Finite Math 3 Area IV: History, Social & Behavioral Sciences 12 hours total PY 101 Psychology 3 PY 212 Developmental Psychology 3 History1 3 (or 6) Area IV Elective 3 Area V: Additional Pre-Nursing Requirements 18 hours total BY 115 Human Anatomy 4 BY 116 Human Physiology 4 BY 261 Microbiology 4 Descriptive Statistics 3 Area V Elective 3 Overall Total: 59 Credit Hours 1Students need either a 6-hour sequence of literature or history. If the student elects to complete a history sequence, the student can take an Area II elective. If the student elects to complete a literature sequence, the student can take an Area IV elective.
2Applies to students who take Microbiology at UAB. Students may otherwise take any additional science with lab (excluding Geology, Astronomy, and Environmental Science). -
RN to BSN Admission Requirements
Admission to the RN to BSN option is available in the fall and spring terms.
We encourage potential applicants to talk to a representative of the RN to BSN Pathway before you begin the application process.
Applicants must first be admitted to the university as an RN to BSN Pre-Nursing Mobility Student through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Advisement is provided by the RN to BSN Pathway Director.
Once accepted to UAB, students need to apply to the RN to BSN Pathway directly to the School of Nursing. Contact Gail Holmes, RN to BSN Program Manager, for information on applying at 205.975.7529 or by email at
Admission Requirements Include:
- Cumulative or pre-requisite grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
- A grade of at least “C” in Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, Microbiology, Descriptive Statistics and an elective (Area V courses).
- Evidence of successful completion of an accredited diploma or associate degree nursing program.
- Possession of an active and unencumbered/unrestricted license to practice as a registered nurse in the state in which student resides and will complete their clinical projects.
- Completion of all but 6 credit hours of required general studies and/or nursing pre-requisites courses; all general studies courses must be completed before starting the third semester of nursing course work.
Application for Admission/Application Deadlines
Application Deadlines
Entry Date: Summer 2025
Deadline: February 15, 2025Entry Date: Fall 2025
Deadline: June 15, 2025Entry Date: Spring 2026
Deadline: October 15, 2025Students must be admitted to the university as a degree-seeking undergraduate student no later than one month prior to the School of Nursing application deadline.
Once accepted to UAB, students need to apply to the School of Nursing.
An application may be obtained by contacting the Office of Student Success at 205.975.7529
Before applying, please contact:
RN to BSN Sample Program of Study
The RN to BSN program of study consists of 30 credit hours and nine required courses. The courses are offered via a distance accessible format.
Sample Program of Study: 3 Semester Plan1,2
3 Semester Plan - Fall Start Semester Course Title Credit Hours Fall NRN 401 Nursing Concepts 4 NRN 402 Leadership Development 3 NRN 403 Systems Leadership 3 Spring NRN 404 Quality & Patient Safety 3 NRN 405 EBP & Informatics 4 NUR XXX Nursing Elective 3 Summer NRN 406 Applied Pathophysiology 3 NRN 407 Transitional Care 4 NRN 408 Population Health 3 Total Credit Hours 30 3 Semester Plan - Spring Start Semester Course Title Credit Hours Spring NRN 401 Nursing Concepts 4 NRN 402 Leadership Development 3 NUR XXX Nursing Elective 3 Summer NRN 403 Systems Leadership 3 NRN 404 Quality & Patient Safety 3 NRN 405 EBP & Informatics 4 Fall NRN 406 Applied Pathophysiology 3 NRN 407 Transitional Care 3 NRN 408 Population Health 4 Total Credit Hours 30 Sample Program of Study: 4 Semester Plan1,2
4 Semester Plan - Fall Start Semester Course Title Credit Hours Fall NRN 401 Nursing Concepts 4 NRN 402 Leadership Development 3 Spring NRN 404 Quality & Patient Safety 3 NRN 405 EBP & Informatics 4 Summer NRN 403 Systems Leadership 3 NRN 406 Applied Pathophysiology 3 Fall NRN 407 Transitional Care 3 NRN 408 Population Health 4 NUR XXX Nursing Elective 3 Total Credit Hours 30 4 Semester Plan - Spring Start Semester Course Title Credit Hours Spring NRN 401 Nursing Concepts 4 NRN 402 Leadership Development 3 Summer NRN 404 Quality & Patient Safety 3 NRN 405 EBP & Informatics 4 Fall NRN 403 Systems Leadership 3 NRN 406 Applied Pathophysiology 3 NRN 407 Transitional Care 3 Spring NRN 408 Population Health 4 NUR XXX Nursing Elective 3 Total Credit Hours 30 1Program of Study is subject to change.
2Curriculum is currently under revision due to credentialing updates and new programs of study will be updated in 2024. -
RN to BSN Outcomes
The RN to BSN Curriculum offers both academic and professional nursing courses that provide the base for clinical competence and informed judgments about health care situations and care of patients in diverse clinical and community settings.
The curriculum prepares graduates to:
- Demonstrate the assimilation of multiple perspectives and knowledge, nursing history, liberal arts, and science into nursing practice to develop a unique way of knowing, caring, and clinical judgement.
- Practice person-centered, holistic care by establishing relationships, effective communication, and formulation of individualized plans of care
- Apply theoretical foundations and evidence-based care concepts to support high-quality healthcare delivery and ongoing scholarly nursing practice.
- Apply theoretical foundations and evidence-based care concepts to support high-quality healthcare delivery and ongoing scholarly nursing practice.
- Incorporate established and emerging principles of quality and safety science in care delivery and maintain a culture of safety within healthcare organizations.
- Collaborate with professionals across healthcare disciplines and lead within care-oriented interprofessional teams.
- Develop plans of care that incorporate innovative solutions that promote patient outcomes in highly complex health care systems.
- Utilize healthcare information technologies to facilitate care delivery and support the expansion of knowledge for practice.
- Develop a professional identity that reflects the values of the nursing profession including ethical comportment, intentional participation, professional accountability, and principles of social justice.
- Utilize reflection and personal development strategies to support ongoing professional growth, resilience, maturity, and capacity for leadership.
RN to MSN Pathway
The RN to MSN (Second Degree) option is an alternate pathway into the existing Master’s in Nursing (MSN) degree program for applicants who have a bachelor’s degree in a field other than nursing, who are currently licensed registered nurses, and who seek MSN preparation.
- Students are enrolled in the MSN Program, and upon completion will be awarded the MSN degree.
- Students are not awarded a BSN degree.
Prospective Students Must Meet the Following Requirements for Admission:
- Hold a bachelor’s degree in a field other than nursing from a regionally accredited college/university along with a minimum of an Associate’s degree in nursing (ADN).
- Possess an unencumbered/unrestricted license to practice as a registered nurse in the state where you plan to conduct your clinical practicum.
- Cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or on the last 60 semester hours.
- Students with a GPA less than 3.2 are required to complete and submit scores for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), or GMAT.
- Only scores completed within the past 5 years are accepted.
- Minimum required scores are a combined score of 297 on the verbal and quantitative sections of the GRE, or a score of 480 on the GMAT.
- Applicants who have successfully completed a graduate degree from a regionally accredited academic institution may receive a waiver for this requirement if they achieved a GPA of 3.0 or higher in their previous graduate degree program.
- The following individuals are not eligible for the GRE waiver process:
- International applicants
- Non-native English speaking applicants
- Dual degree seeking applicants (e.g., MSN/MPH).
- For more information on the Test Score Waiver process click here.
- Submit three letters of professional reference attesting to the applicant’s potential for graduate study.
- Applicants should submit an official transcript from every college or university they have ever attended (even if for only one semester). Transcripts may be mailed or emailed electronically by the issuing institution to the UAB School of Nursing.
Applicants to the RN to MSN Pathway must have successfully completed prerequisite course requirements listed below with a grade of “C” or above prior to matriculation into the pathway.
Prerequisite Courses Credit Hours BY 115 Human Anatomy 4 BY 116 Human Physiology 4 MA 180 Descriptive Statistics 3 BY 261 Microbiology 4 Bridge Courses
Students admitted to the RN to MSN Pathway are required to complete three courses designed to “bridge” the upper division level undergraduate nursing courses.
Required Bridge Courses Credit Hours NRN 501Q Professional Nursing Concepts for RNs 4 NRN 508Q Population Health for RNs 4 NRN 503Q System Leadership for RNs 3 Selection of an MSN Pathway
Students admitted to the RN to MSN Pathway will select a specialty area from one of two different MSN Pathways:
- MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway
- MSN Health Systems Leadership Pathway
- Instruction for Applying to the RN to MSN Pathway
For assistance with the RN to MSN Pathway application process, contact:
Tuition and Fees
The following tuition and fees are valid for the 2024-2025 academic year. Tuition and fees and are SUBJECT TO CHANGE annually based on approval from the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees and/or University.
The estimates below are based on the costs listed at the UAB Office of Planning and Analysis website.
Each student’s costs will vary depending upon a number of factors including state of residence, the number of credits taken in a semester, or whether the student attends class live or through a distance-accessible format. Fees vary by program and course.
Tuition and Fees
UAB School of Nursing 2024-2025Resident
Charge ($)Non-resident
Charge ($)Undergraduate coursework (internet-based distance learning; each semester hour) 541 541 Fees - UAB School of Nursing Cost ($) Educational Support and Technology Fee (per course - undergraduate and pre-licensure) 185 Student Hospitalization Insurance Fee1 (per month) 270 Student Dental Fee1 (per term) 39 Other Expenses (Estimated) Cost ($) Books and supplies (estimate per term) 600 Background Check (annual estimate) 92 1Estimate based on one student. May be waived with documented proof of equal or greater coverage. -
Funding Your Education
UAB Financial Aid and Scholarships
Information on Financial Aid, University Scholarships and other funding opportunities is available at:
UAB School of Nursing Scholarships
- The School of Nursing at UAB has an excellent scholarship program that provides financial support to Alabama’s best and brightest nursing students.
- Currently, the School’s scholarship portfolio consists of 76 endowed scholarships and 3 active sponsored scholarships.
- The school currently has an $10.1 million endowed fund that supports nursing scholarships annually.
- Scholarships are awarded twice a year – spring and fall semesters. The scholarship application process is simple. One application is needed to be considered for all undergraduate or graduate scholarships.
- Application and additional information can be found at
For Information about School of Nursing Scholarships, Contact:
Stephanie Hamberger, MPADirector of Student Engagement, Recruitment and 205.934.5483 -
Nursing Honors Program
The UAB School of Nursing Honors Program provides unique experiential learning opportunities in research where students are introduced to basic research concepts and provided the opportunity to complete defined research activities as part of a faculty research team. Students have the opportunity to explore the role and career path of a nurse scientist. All undergraduate nursing students are eligible to apply for admission to the Nursing Honors Program.
Students who successfully complete the Nursing Honors Program will receive a certificate of acknowledgement at the UAB Honors Convocation and will graduate “With Honors in Nursing.” Students completing both the UAB Honors Program and the School of Nursing Honors Program will graduate “With University Honors in Nursing.”
The Nursing Honors Program is supported by an endowed fund established by Celia A. Wallace in 2005 to honor Kristen Celia and Gerald Leon Wallace, Jr.
- Students must meet the following criteria to be considered for acceptance into the Nursing Honors Program:
- A minimum 3.4 GPA in BSN foundation courses.
- A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA for all coursework completed.
- To remain in the Nursing Honors Program, students must:
- Maintain a minimum overall UAB GPA of 3.0 and a minimum 3.25 GPA in nursing coursework.
- Complete the required six credit hours of Nursing Honors Program Courses (NUR 450, NUR 451, and NUR 452).
- To apply for the Nursing Honors Program, applicants must:
- Complete and submit the Honors Program Application Form.
- Attach a one-page resume to the Application Form.
- Please include college activities as well as leadership and research experiences.
- Record a video essay that addresses the items below and attach it to the Application Form:
- Your name
- How you heard about the Honors Program
- Why you are interested in the Honors Program
- Nursing career goals
- How participation in the Honors Program will help you reach your goals
- The video must be no longer than 5 minutes in duration. Each of the items above must be addressed in order for the application to be considered.
To Apply
- Interested BSN students will apply during their second semester of the BSN program.
- Interested RN-BSN students must have three semesters of coursework remaining at the time they register for the first honors course.
- The Nursing Honors Program admits two honors cohorts per year.
- For the summer cohort, we will accept applications from around mid-March through mid-April.
- For the Fall cohort, applications will be accepted from July to early August.
- During the application window, the link below will actively accept applications.
- To complete an Honors Application Form, please click here.
Co-Director, Honors Program Jessica Corcoran PhD, RN, CPNP‐PC(205) 996-8101Co-Director, Honors Program Sarah Gallups PhD, MPH, RN(205) 934-4857 - Students must meet the following criteria to be considered for acceptance into the Nursing Honors Program:
State Regulations Governing Distance Programs
Out-of-state applicants to any of our distance-accessible programs should become familiar with their state’s regulations governing distance accessible programs. Prospective students residing in states other than Alabama should contact their state’s Board of Nursing and Department of Education for specific rules and regulations pertaining to students enrolled in out-of-state programs and are planning to conduct UABSON distance education in their home state. Only those students who reside in Alabama or those states where the UAB School of Nursing programs are available will be eligible to receive an offer of admission.
More information is available at the State Approval Website for Online Degree Programs at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Information for International Students
NOTE: Prospective International students must first contact UAB International Admissions to determine eligibility to study in the U.S. and/or submit an application for admission to UAB.
Because the RN to BSN and RN to MSN Pathways are taught in an online format, some international applicants may not be eligible to apply due to VISA status.
All applicants must meet the RN-BSN Program Admission Requirements. The following are additional requirements for International applicants.
The information below provides information on eligibility requirements:
RN-BSN F1 or J1 Visa Acceptable Not eligible for this program College Degree (ADN Equivalent) Required Foreign Transcripts Evaluated Required English Proficiency Required Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Not Required Licensure as a Registered Nurse in the U.S. Required