Haley Herfurth

Haley Herfurth

| haleyh1@uab.edu

Find the perfect colorful distraction along downtown’s historic Morris Avenue, hidden on campus and in the bustling northeast Birmingham neighborhood of Avondale.

Assistant Professor Stacey Holloway combined silicone molds of her own body with doorstops, rubber bands, an old record player and more to create prosthetic devices that mimic physical connections in these days of social distancing.

retro art streamIn 1960, many incoming patients were first admitted to the Isolation Unit before transferring to another ward; there were fewer antibiotics at the time, and undiagnosed infections were more prevalent. Today, protecting patients in the time of coronavirus takes an even more complex and multilayered approach — including visitation restrictions and the use of negative airflow rooms.

Charlie Monroe, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, was one of 12 faculty selected to receive the 2019 UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.   

Many of UAB’s more than a thousand international students are facing complicated questions and challenges — but you can help.

Crank up one of these three Spotify playlists created by an alumnae, employees and campus DJs to beat the social-distancing blues — and maybe get a few dance moves in.

It’s officially springtime at UAB, and new growth is blossoming from Sterne Library, to Collat, to the residence halls.

A four-part diversity education series is being offered during limited business operations through the Campus Learning System; each course will be offered via Zoom throughout April. Registration is required.

Take in original art — from a distance — during the Department of Art and Art History’s online thesis exhibit featuring works by graduating seniors.


Full-time faculty who want to enhance community and provide stimulating enrichment opportunities should apply by April 30 for the Honors Faculty Fellows program.

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