7 things to know about the campus engagement survey

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survey STREAM

Join in. Be heard. Help shape UAB's future.

On the morning of Jan. 29, UAB faculty and staff will receive an email from ModernThink with the subject "UAB Campus Engagement Survey." It will include a unique link to the survey on its secure website. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Your opinion is valuable.

Understanding your perspectives on your work experiences is critical to celebrating our strengths and identifying actionable areas for improvement as we did in 2017. New survey results will help benchmark our progress and inform our future planning.

  1. Everyone is included.

All campus faculty and staff in all full-and part-time faculty and staff in UAB’s Workgroup A, including adjuncts, part-time staff and postdocs, are being asked to offer feedback and suggestions.

  1. These are the topics you helped select.

The survey includes benchmark questions plus topics suggested by faculty and staff focus groups, including questions on benefits, leadership and job satisfaction.

  1. You have two weeks to find 20 minutes to complete it.

An email will be sent to you from our survey partner, ModernThink, that includes an individualized link to the UAB Campus Engagement Survey on its secure website. The survey period will be Jan. 29-Feb. 12. Most people will be able to complete the survey in about 20 minutes, but you can stop and restart.

  1. Your responses are anonymous.

ModernThink will handle all data to ensure that participants can respond candidly. No identifiable results are shared with anyone at UAB. Ever.

  1. The feedback will be shared with all.

Aggregated survey results will be openly shared at town hall meetings and on uab.edu/engage. We will celebrate our successes, and we also will address concerns and needs reflected in the results.

  1. This a not a one-time event.

Before the 2017 survey, UAB leadership committed to a regular survey process, and surveys will be conducted every two to three years.

Still have questions?

Read more online, look through the FAQs or email engage@uab.edu for information and assistance.