UAB has grown exponentially in its 50 years, expanding its academic offerings and enrolling nearly 22,000 students this past fall. Its physical footprint is no exception: Campus now covers more than 100 city blocks. UAB continues to implement its Campus Master Plan through six new facilities to enhance instruction, research, technology and student life. Some are complete, some under construction and others are in planning stages. These include a new home for the Honors College and a new ROTC training facility, plus University Hall, Residence Hall 2020, the Technology Innovation Center and a Science and Engineering Complex.
Keep an eye out for grand openings and new construction starting in August.

University Hall
Every undergraduate student, regardless of major, will take core classes through the College of Arts and Sciences, and the new building will touch every freshman who enters the university. It will provide modern teaching facilities and technologies and larger classrooms for students to learn and for faculty to conduct their scholarship and research. It also will be UAB’s first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)-certified building.

ROTC training facility
The facility has been in use since April. A formal groundbreaking is scheduled tentatively for fall; keep an eye on the UAB Campus Calendar for more details.

New Honors College home
The renovation will comprise the entire two-story, 11,000-square-foot structure with a total construction cost of $2.69 million. The exterior grounds will be leveled and developed into a landscaped courtyard. Renovation is scheduled to begin in August and be completed in May 2020.

Residence Hall 2020
The residence hall will be UAB’s second LEED-certified building and the first to earn a LEED Silver ranking.

Technology Innovation Center
The new building, which replaces the Rust Computer Center, will host the fastest high-performance research computer in the state and the data highway that connects researchers throughout the University of Alabama System. It also will house an innovative and cost-efficient Tesla Powerpack battery system that increases system reliability and availability while reducing the carbon footprint and other innovative features to meet the technology needs of UAB students, faculty, researchers and clinicians.
The groundbreaking is planned 9 a.m. Aug. 14.

Science and Engineering Complex
In a future phase, the new complex, proposed for the Education Building’s current location, will support the unique instructional, research and collaborative needs of those programs, joining science, technology and engineering programs into a highly visible, modern space.