Innovations in Wellness conference to honor leadership in the field

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Innovations in wellness 250Two new awards will be introduced to recognize those who have devised new approaches to promote healthy environments within Alabama. View award criteria and nominate an exceptional student or colleague online.UAB will host its annual Innovations in Wellness Conference 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 15 in the Hilton Birmingham at UAB. Now in its eighth year, the conference provides leaders in the fields of health and wellness an opportunity to network and explore forces that have a substantial effect on the workforce, including health disparities, resilience and burnout, obesity, preventive health and more.

Two new awards will be presented this year recognize and encourage students and professionals in the community who have devised new approaches to promote healthy environments within Alabama.

UAB Employee Wellness Director Anna Threadcraft is thrilled to honor those who have made a difference in the state with the Emerging Leader in Health & Wellness Award for a student or intern and the Driving Healthy Change Through Innovation Award for professional leadership.

“A huge component of building a community of strong leaders in the field of health and well-being is making time to recognize those who demonstrate a commitment to positively impact others for better health,” Threadcraft said.

Nominations are being accepted. View award criteria and nominate an exceptional student or colleague online by midnight Nov. 1. All nominees will be recognized during the conference. The winners will receive complimentary admission to the 2020 Innovations in Wellness Conference.

The discounted registration price is $99 for UAB employees and $40 for students and interns. Learn more and register at