Matt Windsor
| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.‘Our safety measures are working’: Data and answers from Sept. 11 employee town hall
UAB leaders discussed data and reactions from the first weeks of fall semester and answered questions on mask compliance, work restrictions, benefits changes and more.
Savings can buy peace of mind. Here’s how to get help
Depression symptoms are rising during the pandemic, but a new study shows that having a healthy savings account has a protective effect. Free financial counseling from UAB and other employee training resources offer a step-by-step guide to savings success.
Better tests, cheaper vaccines: Antibody expert turns to COVID-19
Moon Nahm, M.D., has identified the crucial antibodies for pneumococcal vaccines and helped lower prices from $100 per dose to $2. With pilot funding from UAB’s urgent COVID-19 research initiative, Nahm is adapting his proven techniques to SARS-CoV-2.
How UAB became a national leader in clinical trials
Alabamians have early access to potentially life-saving vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 through UAB. Why? The same reasons that clinical trials activity at UAB has more than doubled in the past five years. Here's how it happened.
This glow-in-the-dark Trojan horse makes cancer cells build their own self-destruct switch
A bioluminescent one-two punch targets mitochondria in cancer cells and evades the blood-brain barrier for a potential new treatment for neuroendocrine cancers, triple-negative breast cancer and brain cancers.
New studies test convalescent plasma for COVID-19 treatment — and prevention
UAB is enrolling patients as part of randomized controlled trials that experts say are necessary to prove the efficacy of the much-discussed COVID-19 treatment.
In a new trial funded through UAB’s urgent COVID-19 research program, investigators are comparing the widely available steroid methylprednisolone with dexamethasone, which lowered risk of dying by one-third in a U.K. trial this summer.
Hope you are doing well? Do a self-check with these four Cs
Advice on mental and emotional well-being from UAB leadership and professional development expert Michael Wiederman, Ph.D.
Chronotypes and cigarettes: New study explores strategies to help ethnic minorities get better rest and quit smoking
With a nearly $3 million grant from the NIH, researchers are studying interactions among sleep, nicotine and race.